Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Chicken Pox!!!!!!!!

I never knew that I had not yet got chicken pox until today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me... now suffering with CHICKEN POX!!!!!!!! Damn It!
Haiz... So ITCHY ler!!!!!!!!!!! Damn! Cannot scratch!!!!!!!!!!!
Haiyo!!!!!!!! Help me la! Please chicken pox......... please i wanna get well faster!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I've been tagged!!!

RULES:List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now, shaping your Summer. Post these instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs.Then tag 7 other people to see what they're listening to.

-by. Ms. Tanya-

1. YUI- Life

2. Leona Lewis- Bleeding Love

3. Flo Rida ft. T-Pain- Low

4. Shayne Ward- Until you

5. Vanessa Hudgens- Identified

6. NEWS- Hadashino Cinderella Boy

7. Lam Fung- Chi Di Zhuan Ji

Okay! Now I tag Charlene, Irene, Shir Li, Evan, Michelle, Li Wei & Vivian ! Haha! Enjoy lo!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Post-21st Birthday

It's been 2 weeks after my birthday...
We were celebrating my belated 21st! I never thought of that was a celebration, was totally a surprise!
Nothing special, we went to Neway and sang songs la!
Bee and Yun Zi disappeared in the half way, they said they were in the toilet. They really took super long (more than 30 minutes) in the toilet???
Let's see what they produced from the "toilet"....

What? They produced perfume in the toilet? Haha! Presented by all of the gals. Thanks!

This was from Bee. Delicious cappucino mousse cake.

After a great time of singing, we got hungry, of course!
Let's go hunt for good foods!

Hmm...This is nice!

Princess in a daze???

See how I make it! Learn by heart! Haha!

Looked nice but the taste was...


Try this...

Nah, You'll be the guinea pig! Nice?


Yucks! What's this taste!

Really Yucky!!!

We are practising chinese opera!

Look delicious!

Now, let's see how they taste.

Okay! Finished!

It was really unforgetable belated birthday celebration! Thanks all! Love you all!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Tasty Home-Made Wantan!

Hmm...Smell nice! What's that? Smell tasty...
This is it! Tasty Mandy's Home-Made Wantan (my mum's secret recipe)!

Before frying them

While frying in the "wok" with super duper HOT oil!

Fresh Wan Tan ready to be served! Look YUMMY!

Yum...Yum...Eat with "Kampong Koh" chili sauce! Super YUMMY!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Crap...Yea, I think so...

OMG!!! I've had enough with the weather here! It's really "extraordinary" HOT lo! Even after raining I can still feel the hotness (don't know how many times I bath everyday). Anyway... I love Malaysia okay! Haha! Of course wo, I got to eat roti canai, drink teh tarik, my mum's special cuisine ler! You can't even have these good stuff in the heaven lo! Haha!

5th uncle's wife gave birth of a baby boy yesterday; really hope I can witness the birth of my lil' bro/ sis, I think I can't though (my mum will giving birth in the middle of August, by the time I already back to Australia)... Haiz...

I thought I'll have great holiday and totally break in this vacations... who knows... I need to do so much of things since my sis left all those stuff for me "purposely" and yea...I need to get rid of them! Really so 'fan' lo! And you know what, government did subsidise for petrol for each family and maximum 5 cars BUT hor, we need to first get the form from the post office then isi the form and then submit, only we can get the subsidy! This is really damn annoying!!!!!!!!!!! I really can't stand the goverment's actions for these "money involved" matters! If you really wanna help and give subsidy then just give la! Why "hold a candle to the sun" !!!!!!!!!! Wasting people time in queueing up and get the form and submit the form (they don't know how slow the post office's people work meh!!!!!!!!). This is why making me so fan and fan fan fan! I don't like queueing up especially queueing up in the places where slow people do work! AND hor, is really funny! They raise the petrol's price then subsidise us, is like really so extra lo! They can just give those subsidies to the petrol and then don't raise the price, save energy, save work and save time!!!!!!!!!!!

Hoo... I'm just grumbling and really wanted to share what I thought...so DON'T SUE ME if any of government staff or whoever read this! And hor, MYR dropped again! I really can't imagine how expensive my tuition fee will be for the next semester! Please la, MYR rise la! Help me la, I'm VERY POOR der OKAY!!!!!!!
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