Sunday, December 6, 2009

Little Star City Party

We very geng! Quanyie's party ended the next morning and we actually had another party at Glen's house! @.@
More friends here~
I'll say this party was more like... "Star City" party!!! Haha!
I'll show you why I called it Little Star City! Follow me!

First table--- > Mahjong! Don't ever think only Chinese play Mahjong! Look at Luke and Sunny! They are Korean ok! Sunny is very geng somemore ok!
Luke and Quanyie learnt on the spot! They also not bad wor! Very fast learners!

Table two----> Poker! From left: Calvin (my shifu), Ronald, Yoyo, Jay and I don't know this one (paiseh la)...

The super cool house owner & my shifu---> Glen!
Look at his pose also know he's very cool la!

Everyone was soon very hungry! Especially Darryl... He was hungry 1 hour before we ordered the pizzas! Wakakaka!

This is so funny!!! I don't know what the crap was Calvin doing! Was he trying to scare me? If he was... then ceh! not scary at all!!! lol

Tanya o Tanya. She is really a material of being early childhood teacher la! Can construct things with mahjong also! (p/s don't teach the children to play mahjong ar!!!)

I told you Quanyie is very fast learner! She soon could play by herself! Very PRO somemore ok!

Be her student very cham ler... Tanya was like "Chuck this one la, silly!" lol

Finally, I was on the table! Honestly, I'm not very good! Haha! My luck was very bad also! Always waiting for the same cards as Tanya did but she always got them! T.T

Been partying for two days!!! So tired! But it was really really fun! Another party is coming on Saturday!!! Haha!
Be patience and wait for my post about the Saturday party la~

VBar show

This year is quite a good year... Get to know a group of good and fun friends! Of course, good to meet Quanyie again after 10 years (since graduated from primary school).
I'm gonna introduce these friends throughout this post...
Well, it's Quanyie's 21st Birthday party, she celebrated 4 days earlier and invited us to party @ VBar in the city.
Tanya slept over at my place that night, we basically went to the bar together.

Before party...
That's Tanya next to me (well, she is 'old' friend already. Very regular name in my blog lol).
How do we look?
Tanya said she likes this photo very much! Wanna know the reason?--->She said her arm looks so slim in this photo! lol

Before party...@ city
Went for a cup of hot drink first! Of course, I ordered HOT CHOCOLATE la! haha!
This is also the first time Tanya polished her nails with black. She looks cool right?

On the way to VBar...
What a coincidence! We bumped into AiVee (1 of the 'old' new friends lol)!
Look at the ice-cream on her hand! She said it was 32cm! Tell you what! I could see the ice-cream melting!!!

@ VBar...
Introduce you the first friend here... Luke & Tanya.
Luke is a Korean. He is a very gentle and caring guy! =)

Oh yea, FORGOTTEN!!! Luke is also very tall!!! I say myself very tall already, he is more than half a head taller than me! *blink blink* Ideal height lol

Selina, obviously the girl standing at the middle. She is so cute! I would like to introduce another leng lui der but she was back in Malaysia already...too bad... Anyway, her name is Chia Ling! I have her photo in Facebook anyway (if you are interested to look at her).

That's Simon... Well, we don't actually know him very much la... Haha! Anyway, he was my statistic tutor!
From left: Simon, Tanya, Luke, Mandy

Me and Tanya always being silly! Haha!

From left: Simon, Mandy, Gavin, Tanya, Sunny
Well, Gavin is Australian Chinese and Sunny is Korean... Sunny looks less like a Korean if compared to Luke (my thought only). Tanya always say he got beer belly! Haha!

Frem left: Mandy, Gavin, Simon, Tanya, Luke

HaiDe and Tanya... Tanya being naughty!
HaiDe, we always call him HD! His name is HD, results also HD ler! He is New Zealand Chinese! He doesn't look like Chinese at all for me! And he is two years younger than I do!!!

Group photo
Back roll from left: Tanya, Sunny, Minh, Mandy, Luke
Middle roll from left: Gavin, HD, Simon, Quanyie
First roll: Darryl

Let me introduce my very 'old' friend - Quanyie! The girl sitting at the middle. She's the birthday girl~

Gavin was 'molesting' Tanya! lol
Sunny the audience!

Tanya's turn to 'molest' Gavin while HD 'measuring' something on Gavin's chest... *sweat*

Minh, Mandy, Luke, Sunny
I think I was abit drunk already... My whole body so red...

I like this photo so much! I look so nice (narcist =.=) and others look so funny and cute~
HD was like the big boss lol

This one leng zai ler? Haha!
He is my new Singapore friend - Kai Liang (Quanyie's boyfriend).
Tell you a secret... he looks like my 'leng zai' alot!!! Haha~

Darryl... =.=
Do you prefer girl or guy???
You seemed don't mind both... *sweat*

I really really really LOVE this photo! I like Quanyie soooooo much!!! =)

Again, Tanya's naughty show~
HD was like "Here comes the Naughty Tanya and Sexy Darryl~" lol

We always like to take self-portrait! Haha!

Darryl, so high already! He was actually standing on the stage!!! So BRAVE la!!!

Guys enjoy dancing!

Must dance with the birthday girl for sure la!!!

So hot! The fan was our HERO!!!

Again, group photo! We all were so enjoying!
It was really a good party! I've never dance like crazy woman (refer to my facebook for more photos the you will see my crazy look!)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A very meaningful present (at least I think it is)...

A very "old" friend of mine is celebrating her 21st birthday tomorrow... I've known her for ten years and we lost contact for almost ten years too... Found her this year in my uni (I didn't know she is in the same uni as I do =.=)...
Been thinking what to buy her since last week. 21 years old... Once in a lifetime...Very meaningful. Think of giving her something very meaningful but couldn't think of any...
Shall I buy her perfume (21 years old- grown up)? Or shall I buy her dress? But they are not really MEANINGFUL!!!
Tanya suggested maybe I can made her a photo frame and put our photo in it.
Photo frame... Hmm..Good idea! I shall figure out how to make it and find the materials asap!
Honestly, hunting for the materials made me headache!!! This is not Malaysia, I don't know where to get all these! If I'm in Malaysia... easy peesy!

Well, I found the materials in Chatswood and Eastwood anyway!
Honestly, this is the first time I'm doing this... Don't know if I can manage to finish on time or not... Hopefully...
Ok and the answer is YES!!! I managed to finish on time and it is quite nice!
Have a look at my effort...

Inside view...

Inside left... You can put whatever s your creativity...

This is the frame! Tell you, this took me the longest time!

Front view... Again, your own creativity...

I took 1 and half day to finish this... Don't say it's quick! I almost hang myself!!! Haha!
I hope she likes it -----> Well, this is my greatest hope!!!
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