Sunday, May 16, 2010

Special posting for my very best friend ^^

I know my blog has been 'DEAD' for so long again...
Been so busy doing practical and works etc...
Well, I'm back again!

Today is a happy day! Well, not mine but I'm happy for my very best friend!
It has been really long... One year...
I don't know if you guys know the feeling of waiting for someone cause I know that feeling...
Knowing that he won't be able to repay your love but still, you kept waiting for the day he may throw those stupid principles...
I'm happy to see that you have finally moved on and into a new relationship =)
Congratulations! Well, is this the correct word (like you are getting married or what)?
Anyway, you know I'm always by your side supporting you!
Very happy (like I'm the one into new relationship =.=")! I always want you to be happy (cause you always think of others and never think of yourself)!
And now, you finally found your happiness!
I wish you the best in the future~

P/s: Let me know if he is not good to you ok, then I'll whack him =P
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