Saturday, April 2, 2011

Nom Nom @ Cafe Bondi

One thing I really like about my group of friends is they are really FOOD HUNTER!!! What I mean food hunter here is not just looking for food but looking for GOOD and WORTH EATING food! One of the friends from the group got this voucher - 2 for $49 lunch at Cafe Bondi and obviously there were terms and conditions applied to this voucher (which I don't really care about). All I know about this voucher was the lunch includes an entree (sharing between 2 persons), 2 main courses (so each pair can choose 2 main course - anything from the menu) and 2 glasses of wine/beer/any other drinks from the menu. With all these, each person only pay $24.50 which is really cheap! And don't think it's cheap so the portion will be small and with not so nice taste... NEVER EVER THINK THAT WAY!!! If you see my photos which I'm going to show you shortly, you'll know how worthy this lunch was!

And so we traveled all the way from Macquarie/ Chatswood/ Sydney to BONDI!!!

In the Cafe~
Tell you what... We got really LONG table! I was really shocked when I saw that =.=

See, Tanya and I were so ready for lunch! We even warmed the cutleries up XD

Another posing while waiting for our FOOD~
Tanya, me, Hanafi and Yoyo

I was sharing the package with Tanya and here's our orders...

We ordered Chicken Caesar Salad for entree (We always caesar salad).
This caesar salad is so different from others we ate before. One thing that makes this so special is the anchovies (not sure if you notice that on the of the chicken). The anchovies added a very nice taste to the salad, a little salty but it was just nice to eat with the lettuce, chicken and etc. This is quite a big serving, Tanya and I couldn't even finish it and we actually felt a little full... (even before the mains be served OMG!!!)

Here comes the main course~

Grilled Salmon xxx (forgotten the name) which was on the special menu of the day.
This dish was really good! We didn't squeeze the lemon, there was 'juice' from the salmon and salsa salad already. Cut a small piece of salmon and eating it with a little salsa salad = YUM!!!

Another dish on special menu of the day. It's Fettucine with seafood (something like that but that's not the name for sure!). Don't think it's normal spaghetti! It's really different! A taste of fresh seafood with well-cooked fettucine... So Yummy! I must really praise this for the really large prawn!!! OMG, seriously the prawns were really large and crispy!!!

Some other entree and main courses the other friends ordered...

Chicken Salad (if not mistaken). Looks GOOD!

Mussels in a Spanish Tomato, Olive & Roasted Red Pepper Sauce

Okay, I have no idea of the names of these two dishes above but they were beef for sure!
I don't eat beef so I really don't know how they tasted. My friends said they were really good! And I tasted the fried onion rings on top of the 2nd dish and it tasted really GOOD!

Yoyo looked really happy with her dish. Why not eating it yet?
Maybe she had no idea how to cut them hahahaha!

I told you all the dishes were really big and we seriously couldn't finish them (even guys couldn't finish them... well, some of them could but took really long time). Gonna show you a few faces then you'll know how a person looks REALLY FULL!

Look at Tanya's cheek... She tried so hard to stuff everything in her mouth.
She looks like she was sighing... "OMG, how am I going to finish them..."

I like this photo of "I'm so full" the most! Doesn't she look helpless when looking at the REALLY BIG STEAK with lotsa chips (it only showed up as half from the photo but it still looks alot!)?

Yoyo trying very hard to stuff herself more! Look at that big plate, I really wonder how they gonna finish that!!!

You know what, don't waste it if you can't finish! You can do some food art!
Art by Yoyo ❀

Here's the whole group. Isn't the table LONG?
Can't even see the people at the back clearly!
Looking for me in the photo? Haha, no need to try cause I'm not even in that photo! I was the camera lady ^^

One thing I found quite significant to the Cafe is the paintings on the wall! There are many paintings hanging on the wall and they are actually for sale! Few hundreds each painting, super expensive! Not sure if there's someone buying them but they are really CUTE!

This is so funny! It was so random when Yoyo did that (she was trying to pretend the girl in previous photo). Yoyo added to this photo, "photo lies sometimes". You know what she means! haha~

Pretending to be the girls in the painting. What do you think?

All right, finished eating! Let's have a group photo!
Let me see... Ermmm, we still missing some people in there... well of course me is not in there, Tanya is not in there either... Because we were the producers of the photos!!! So UNFAIR!!!

It was a great day with great people and great food AND it only cost us $24.50!
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