Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy Mooncake Festival!

Yo~ Happy Mooncake Festival! It's tomorrow actually!
Macquarie MSA had a celebration (so called) which inviting us, all the MSA member to join them to celebrate the festival, and we can have delicious Malaysian food, mooncake and lantern for FREE!
Haha! I love freebies!
Anyway, not going just for he freebies!
I truly want to know more Malaysian student and celebrate the festival!
Very funny lo! I've been MSA member for almost 1 year, this is the first MSA event that I really participated! Haha!

Tanya and I were so semangat to go!
We left to MUV around 730pm...
We couldn't remember the unit number where the event held....
But we found it!
Know why? and how?
We hor...haha...heard people laughed so we predicted the event was there!
Just as expected! Haha!

Since I said this is the first time we attend the MSA event,
we know nobody there...very paiseh to join in lo!
We wandered around there and dare not to join in!
Anyway we joined with one of the MSA committee (Sue, hope i spelled it correctly) brought us in!
And yea, getting know the people around!
One of the girl is our coursemate- Ivy.
We actually heard of her name before this ler just that not sure she is the one!
She is really fun!
Like the first day only we know her, we were already like so 'ngam' ler!

Not bad ler this event!
Nice food, got Asam Merah, curry, acar, kuih batik, ondeh-ondeh!
And OF COURSE, we have MOONCAKE! Main Character tonight!
Didn't get to play with lantern... what a pity! (was too late for me to walk home so yea..)
Anyway, this was really a good one!

Moon is really ROUND tonight ler!
One last thing and again HAppy advanced Mooncake Festival!

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