Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm back~

It's been long since my last post (really long ler! nearly a month)
Anyway, I have yet announce that I'm back in M'sia!
And is now "full-time babysitter"! Haha!
However, I'm very happy about this "position". You will know why if you have seen these photos!

Eih, he is not others~
He is my cutest little brother!
First ever contact with him (so touched!).
He is super cute that i can't resist to hold and carry him for the whole day!

Sometimes he looks like a big boss!

This is how he looks when we are going out!

"DAD ROCKS!" I bought him this super COOL T-Shirt!

He begins to "bite"! And since Chinese New Year is coming, he is learning how to greet the others "gong xi gong xi" (see his fist and you aill know)!

Eating biscuit!

He is now very SMART ler! Don't wanna to lie down still! Kept asking people to carry him! See his cute face and expression, you can't resist to carry him for sure!

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