Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy 'Midwinter' 冬至 to EVERYONE

The very first 'Midwinter' - 冬至 in Sydney by myself (ALL ALONE  T-T).
Used to celebrate this day with my family (well, I chose to stay for Christmas in Sydney with my friends this year).

I remember we (my siblings and I) used to wake up so early on the 'Midwinter' so we could help mum to make glutinous rice ball - 汤圆 (tang yuan). I don't know what kind of soups the other families have, but we LOVE the 'gula melaka' soup! My mum's secret recipe is to boil the 'gula melaka' soup with pandan leaves to make the soup smells good!
Well, we don't make 'fancy flavours' glutinous rice ball with fillings like red bean, black sesame, peanut etc. All we would make is glutinous rice ball with 'gula melaka' (AGAIN). This is also a hard work ok! We have to chop the 'gula melaka' into small cubes (well, my youngest sister would always take this job. Know why? She could then stealing the 'gula melaka' while chopping =D)

Really love those days we made the glutinous rice together~~~
Too bad I couldn't get to eat the home-made glutinous rice ball this year at home with my lovely family... Well NEVER MIND! I could still make my own glutinous rice ball --------- soup only (Of course I don't know how to make the dough!!! There's ready-made glutinous rice ball in the supermarket OK!).

My soup -----> 'Gula Melaka' + ginger
Glutinous Rice Ball -----> Black sesame (I always LOVE black sesame)



My glutinous rice ball~

Yum~ It's the black sesame flavour~

The 'Midwinter' dinner back home.... (my sister was very "KIND" to tag me to these photos)

Yummy chicken curry + bread (for dipping). I miss my mum's curry T-T

Glutinous rice ball with 'Gula Melaka'. Same colour (soup) as mine... OF COURSE!!! Cause I stole my mum's recipe =P

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