Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Shopping Fun!

Today was WONDERFUL shopping day!
It’s been long time since my last “tour” to city…
Yea, I think 2 months gua…Hahaha!
I told Shir Shir I wanna eat Pepper Lunch for our lunch…
I insisted cause I got “recommendation” from a Japanese show…
And yea, the name Pepper Lunch sounds good and YUMMY!
We took very long time to look at the menu…Just wondered what to eat nia! Haha!
Not many choices and really didn’t know which 1 is nicer…
Headache meh!
Anyway, I ordered EEL meal set la!
Shir Shir ordered chicken & steak meal set!

Mine! Looked nice ler!

I forgot to take the picture of Shir Shir’s food…Paiseh!
All the meals there are actually serve with sizzling pan and we gotta mix the whole thing together before we eat!
It’s really OISHI!

After lunch ler, we shopped lo!
My targets: HIGH HEELS & BRA!
Shir Shir’s targets: DRESS & HIGH HEELS!
I found it’s really hard to find a dress!
Erm…actually there are lots of dresses but our budgets are like…
We went to COTTON ON and Shir Shir showed me the dress she told me the other day!
Wow! It’s transparent man! SEXY!!!!!!!!
I got myself three tops and we went to try!
OMG!!!!!!!!Shir SHir was sooooooo SEXY lo wearing that dress! So transparent (I can see through…Wakakaak) and HOR it’s black! Very seductive lo!
Anyway, Shir Shir ended up with empty hand and I got two tops!
WHAT!? Shir Shir should be the one buying clothes or whatever but… -_-"


Let’s continue shopping!
We didn’t really have any target shop; just enter whichever shop that has dress, high heels and bra!!!!!!!!
I was so fussy in picking high heels! "I don’t like too high heels, I will fall and I will sprain my legs…blah…blah…blah…"
Okay, I ended up with no high heels after so many shops! And Shir Shir finally got herself a pair of high heels (so kawaii!) and a dress from Supre (this is extremely kawaii)!
I really have had enough! I was so tired and yet I still couldn’t get nice and comfortable high heels!
So tiring ler!
Eh! There was a bra shop wo! Let’s get in and see!
Wow! That’s what I’m looking for! Let’s try it!
But…I had big problem!
What size should I take?
I know my size anyway!
Just that I never buy a bra in Australia before!
And yea, their sizes are…you know! (YOU SHOULD’VE KNOWN!!!!!)
Sweet! I got bra and I got mascara and nail polish from Missha, where Shir Shir got her high heels as well.

Too Hot to handle! Haha!

That's pink, the base coat and I love BLACK!

OKAY! I’m so done! Just where to get high heels!!!!!!!!!!!
“This shop seems quite cheap (the shoes are cheap, not the shop), let’s go in and see lo!”
Eh, this one looks good! I’ll try this! Hmm… which colour should I take ler? Just try both anyway!
Oh Gosh! It’s so nice!!!!!!!!!!
Perfect! I’ll take this! Done! Finally………

Whoa! Big bags…small bags… Don't worry, there are all "sales item" so I didn't over budget der!
Let’s see what we got!
My targets: HIGH HEELS & BRA…
SHir Shir’s targets: DRESS & HIGH HEELS…
Shir Shir’s products: DRESS, HIGH HEELS, NAIL POLISH…
Shops Hunt… SUCCEEDED!!!
I am super happy (and tired though)!

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