Friday, April 3, 2009


Watch out!!!!!!!!!
Everyone was running around the campus! Guess what?
That's AMAZING RACE!!!!!!!!!
Well, like I said we were running around the campus so it was definitely NOT the Amazing Race on TV la! Don't expect to see me on TV (I think I will really DIE if it was the international amazing race)!
Ok well, thanks to Iclub for organizing this excited and fun activity!
But anyway, our uni is like 126 hectre! Just imagine, we ran from 1 end to the other end! Honestly, we were nearly die!
Let me introduce you--> Team 15 which formed by 3 sweet girls-->Tanya, Mandy and Kamila *whistles*

From left: Mandy, Tanya, Kamila (After the race. GOSH, we looked so 'shiny' on our faces! Haha!)

Hmm... It was a 2hours race and I think we had 20+ teams participated (some of the team had 3 members and some had 5 members). We need to solve 8 clues in 2hours and we were given a choice of task or test to solve at each pit-point...
Seriously, I was half dead at the end...SUPER DUPER TIRED!

Overview of each pit-points and the task or test we had chosen:

Pit-point 1: Look for 3 books in the library with 3 different countries names and take a photo of 4th floor's poster.

Pit-point 2: Match the authors to the books (well, i would say literature pieces...)--> Goodness! We only knew the Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare and we had really no idea for the other 7 pieces (Tanya was calling the library for help! I called JunXi to check for me from Google! Kamila also kept calling her freinds! Damn, so sesak! Haha!

Pit-point 3: Look for 4 different country flags from E7B and name them. (Again, sesak! We only knew UK, Denmark...Die die...Luckily, there was a guy who was so GENIUS with the flags helped us! I really wonder how he remembers all those flags! Anyway, thanks to the no name!)

Pit-point 4: Look for names of minerals, rocks or names for the word AMAZING RACE! My group was so hardworking to look in the museum for those names whereas other groups just simply came up with a name for each! Not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Pit-stop 5: The clue was 'Ming Vase'. I was like ??????????. Luckily, Kamila thought of X5B. Tanya and I was so paiseh! Our faculty is at X5B and we didn't know there was a 'Ming Vase' there. Pai seh, pai seh....Our task...Look for 3 different flowers. Easy peesy.....And that time we were the second team to arrive1 *clap clap clap*

Don't know what happen, we were send to pit-stop 8.

Pit-stop 8: Clue-Red man with a mask driving in the south. What the hell is that?????????????

Final Destination: We wanted to run to Macquarie Centre to get extra points but we were dead (and I mean DEAD!) tired!!! We ended up finishing our race to the final pit-stop in Iclub's meeting room.

FINALLY!!!!!!!! We got to the end point and yea we SURVIVED! Although we didn't win the race....Anyway, the PROCESS is much more important than the PRODUCT! We really enjoyed the whole process (though it was like so TIRING)! The No.1 Team got a 1 Day Trip ticket! They can choose to either go Port Stephen, Hunter Valley, Blue Mountain or Canberra! So GOOD ler! This was really a GREAT activity and I'm going join again next year! Not only enjoy the process, also got to know more international students and of course other Malaysians!

*wordless* IT WAS JUST TOO GREAT TO DESCRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!

Mandy, Patty, Tanya, Darryl

These three are the winners! Congrats!

Photo of all the participants and Iclub's committes

p/s: Paiseh ler, Tanya. I copy a few descriptions for the pit-points from your blog (I'm just too malas to write). Hope you don't mind ar!

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