Thursday, April 23, 2009

Where have you gone...

I feel so pain deep inside my heart...
It's not the pain when you cut your finger or when you broke up with your lover...
This pain is comes when it likes without any symptoms...
Once it's here, it doesn't simply go away... It will stay very very very long that I can't even breath...
It always hurt when I think of you...

I know I should not think about it anymore but I just can't help...
You always appear in front of me...
I could not help myself to stop thinking of that...I just can't...
Everytime when I think of you...I saw the scene...I wonder how did you feel at the moment...I saw a bloody you...I saw you lying there and moving at all...until now I will never see you...
I asked myself over and over again...Just where have you gone?
Why aren't you coming back anymore? Why did that happened to you, to us?

I wish to go back to the moment that you were around...
I wish that you are still here...
I pleaded God again and again....
I want you to come back at any price...I'm willing to pay for it...Even my life...
I didn't love you enough when you were here...What can I do except for regret...But regret can't change the fact...I knew that...
I just didn't get the chance to tell you that I Love You So Much...Maybe my love is not that great as your love for us...But I really did love you...
After I lost you, only I realize how much I loved you....
Although you have now changed to another form, I know you will always look at us as you did before...
And I know we will always love you no matter where you are or what you are...

I'm just miss you so badly....

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