Sunday, May 3, 2009

Complicated mind!?

Aiz...I don't know what's going on with me!!!!!!!!!!
Just don't feel like studying la!!!!!!!!! How? How? How? I really have to read for my presentation!!!
I must really really really stop thinking of whatever and start reading!!!

Swine flu is so scary!!! It's been spread to quite many countries already!
There are more and more suspected cases everywhere! And Australia actually has 114 suspected cases!!!!!!!! So many!!!
Haiz... Not surprise also la...Since New Zealand already has few cases...And Australia is super near to New Zealand ok! So sure kena la! Damn it!

Sometimes, I really wonder why we have all these diseases in the world...More and more weird diseases have been commenced... Why?
There was one of my relatives said all these diseases are from the God to the human because there are too many bad guys in the world... All the diseases and natural disasters are meant to "kill" these bad guys...but at the same time "kill" the innocent people...

Reincarnation...Do you believe it?
Honestly, I admit I'm very fear of death...
I always think of not growing up so my parents and my love ones will never get old...then we can live happily forever and ever...But that's impossible...

As I grow older, the fear becomes more and more as everyone around me get older...I started to think what will happen after we die? Is there a life after death? What is the feeling at the moment when we die? Do we still feel ourselves?
Lots of things just came into my mind over and over again...

Some people may just think I'm crazy. "Why think so much! Just live your life!"...
Yea, maybe I shouldn't think so much cause nobody know what will happen after death...
Unless the dead person knocks my door and tell me which I don't really feel like...Haha!

See, I said already! I can't think of all these craps anymore! Arghhh!!!!!!!!
Anyway...I feel like to eat PANCAKE again!!!!!!!! I'm so addicted to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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