Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Great beautiful children's picture book!

Today I came across with a very beautiful children's book during Literacy Tutorial! Have not really introduce a book or HAD NEVER TALKED ABOUT LITERACY (this is more appropriate i in my blog. I don't know why this book urged me so badly to introduce it! Maybe I just can't stand the expression showing in the creature's eyes of the book cover...
This book is called Varmints by Helen Ward and illustrated by Marc Craste...And it is an awarded children's picture book!
I had no idea what a varmint is before i read the book. There is one page explaining the meaning of varmint...varmint is an irritating or obnoxious person or animal.
I didn't really got the chance to read the book, just flicked through the book as we were asked to choose an image from the book to analyse. So basically I was attracted by the illustrations...How to say...It was just too beautiful! I don't think I can use words to describe it! Not just the images but also the colour contrasts, conveying different moods in the book.

A short description of the book: Life in the city is changed by a tiny patch of grass, and one person. This is an atmospheric picture book about the importance of nature and its power to survive over civilization. The varmints come and build their city where once was wilderness. Before they realized what they have done, there is nothing but a huge dark city. But one small person has saved a small patch of green and sees that a few others have done the same.

This is the book cover...

Found 2 pages from the net...A snapshot for you about the book.

This is one of the pages I like the most...

Couldn't find my most favourite page...sob sob...
The page I like the most is actually when the hero of the book moved the most important thing of his life to a safer place. I can't really describe the page...but after I saw that page...I was sad...He actually moved his most important thing which is a plant to a place with light and he, himself walking towards the darkness...Can you imagine the contrast? It was just like 'I give you all the hope, I don't mind living without long as you are safe'...You know...
That is just too beautiful!
And I found out that the illustrator actually made this into a short movie. I found a very short trailer from youtube and have attached it in this post. Take a look! I hope you guys like it too!

Special thanks to Stacey for bringing in this lovely book to the tutorial!

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