Thursday, May 28, 2009

Let's celebrate!

Thursday night again! Nothing's special, it's just our night shopping day! Thursday is the only day that all shops will open until quite late...shops close on 4 or 5pm on the other days. This is why everybody take dinner outside and shop on Thursday (Come on, once in a week. must really enjoy la!)!
Tanya and I had 'booked' each other to have dinner in Chatswood tonight as to 'celebrate' that we had finished peer teaching and literacy assignment! Haha! Spoil ourselves once in a while, not too much geh!

I can still feel the fullness of my stomach now...*hiccup* oops, excuse me!
Tell you what we have eaten! I didn't realize that I actually ate SO much (need to do more exercise ler T_T)!!!
Ok, we had our super early dinner at 5pm! Don't know why, just felt so hungry! Fine, we had our Korean dinner! OMG, that shop (Jang Gun) is really so nice! The food are so good! Love the side dishes so much especially the potato! Yum yum~

Finished dinner around 6 something...was already so dark, we thought it was already 8pm -.-"
Gee! Felt like dessert not long after the dinner! What should we take? Okay! We'll get Gelatissimo! Walao! It was so cold outside and imagined we actually got cold freezing Gelatissimo for our dessert! But I actually felt warmer after finished eating the Gelatissimo...HOW COME!!!??? I also don't know why??? Haha!
Yum yum~

Ok, continued shopping! "I feel like drinking something hot" said Tanya about 20minutes after Gelatissimo. And know what? We went for hot drink!!!

This store is really a nice one! It is called Chocolateria-San Churro! Took some photos using my hp, hmmm not very nice...anyway, just wanted to take photos of our nice food! haha!

The lighting is actually quite romantic in the store...sorryla, lousy hp...

Tanya ordered her cappucino! Looked so nice and taste nice (said Tanya)! Well, I don't take coffee or everything with coffee taste!

This is my Classic Spanish Hot Chocolate! Yea, I'm CHOCOLATE MONSTER! Tell you what, this hot chocolate is THE BEST hot chocolate for me at the moment! It is just so GREAT! So thick! Like you are actually drinking melted chocolate! Yum yum~ I LOVE IT SOOOOOO MUCH!!!

Ok, don't think this is 'you tiao'!!! This is definitely not a 'you tiao'!
This is called Spanish Churros! It is served with melted chocolate (you can choose among dark, milk or white chocolate). We chose dark chocolate! How to eat this???
Well, dip the sticks into the your mouth and eat it! Haha!
This dessert is really terrific!

My goodness! We actually had eaten so much stuff! And were so FATTENING especially the chocolate!!! Me even worst! Everything chocolate! I think I'm gonna become fat poh soon!!! T_T

Special thanks to MISS TANYA for introducing all the food we had just eaten!

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