Saturday, May 30, 2009

There's always different view when you look at different angle!

Went to MSA Gear Up Lunch in MUV. !
Tell you this, I must really praise the 'cook's' cooking! Super tasty! They made roti canai, roti calar, chicken curry, teh tarik and kuih-muih! So the NICE lo!
I was like...OMG, I wanna eat the chicken curry!...when Tanya and Ai Vee eating that! Smelled super nice and they said really nice! Nevermind la! Haha!

Ok, finished makan! Walked home la! Just realized that MUV is really really far from my house T_T
Nevermind la, exercise la! 45minutes nia!


Weather was still fine! At least not raining when I was walikng!
That's why I got the chance to really look around and take some photos! Haha!

I like this one! Close-up, the flower is really so cute! lol

Erm...Don't know what is this...Some kind of plant la har!

NO THROUGH ROAD!!! You are not allowed to drive in! Told you already no through road, there's no more road ahead! Unless you wanna bang the wall la har!

Turn left? Turn right? I'm heading to Abuklea Rd so I turn right ar! haha!

Some very small maple tree.
So cutie~the leaves are so small!

Botak tree...

Botak tree again...signs of the winter! *wind blows*

Not bad ar! At least 45minutes walking distance gave me such a different view! Can't really always see this kind of views and really feel them!

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