Friday, May 29, 2009

Surprises!!! ^ ^

I've promised to tell you guys how was my first squash playing!
As usual, walked to Tanya's workplace...waited for her to gym. Still early when I got there, ok go toilet first while waiting for her!
By the time I came out from the toilet...
My FIRST SURPRISE...*drum drum*... OMG! Tak sempat to react! He came out from the computer lab! *me melting* Blue T-shirt, looked so great on him! I really want to say this...HE HAS REALLY GOOD BODY FIGURE! OoooOOOOooo~ A single glance is more than enough for me! *happy*

Ok, go gym! Tanya bought a banana bread before playing. Wow, the banana bread really smelled so nice!
We got Court 2, planned to play from 4pm -5pm as we would be going to Bodyjam at 5.30pm!
Honestly, both of us really don't know how to play squash. Me, with zero skill and knowledge. At least Tanya had kind of learnt it from Simon last week...She actually taught me how to play!



First time playing squash, pose first! lol
Both of us acted like so PRO!!!

Then we played la! Hit, hit, hit! How come so hard to hit the ball geh! So frustrated! We only hit for at most 4 times every new ball! Really stuck at 4 times, 4 times, 4 times.....Arghhh!!! The curse of 4! Cannot!!! Must break it! Hit, hit, hit! Eih? This time like so many times geh? 1,2,3,4,5,6...Yay! We broke the curse of 4!!! We hit 6 times this round!!!!!! Yay!
Walao, so tired...I think I'll be lying like mummy on the bed tomorrow!

5.30pm...We damn geng! Rested for 20 minutes then Bodyjam! Don't know can dance or not ler...
Gee! Today's bodyjam was like so bouncy! Really dying already! By the time we finished bodyjam, we were like...DEAD! My legs really so...tired and super duper tensed!!!
Okla, walked home la! Wah!!!!!!!!!! So cold.....*trembling*


All right, last part of this post...(I'm really so sleepy already, gonna sleep right away after finished typing this post)
I 'dragged' my super duper tired and dead body to my bedroom...Threw (yes, I meant it) everything on my bed... Eih? What's that?
My SECOND SURPRISE of the day...*drum drum*.... What this blue envelope on my table?


No doubt, this is the blue envelope lying on my table. 'Mandy Tan Chow Ping', that's for me! Wow *awake*!I got a mail! I actually got a mail!!! Who sent this to me? Where it from? Check it out...


Can you see that? It's abit blur...It's from Malaysia if you can't see it. Actually very easy to recognized! Look at the RAMBUTAN stamp on the right, sure Malaysia! wakakaka!
OOOOOooooo~ A letter from my 'secret admirer' (you know who you are, 'secret admirer')

Wah! How come it was like so thick geh? O, no wonder la!
A letter set of 4 papers...


They are so cute! I like them so much! I didn't know 'you' actually used nice letter papers! So "lum"!!!

I really like one of the papers soooooo much!

This is it! It just a normal blank paper, don't ask me why. Look at the logo...That's NS logo! This paper reminded me lots of beautiful memories...'We' used to write each other 'love letter' with these papers!

And the very last paper! I almost cried when I see this! My super duper early birthday present!!! This is the second drawing 'you' drew me! The first one of course drew during NS!


Hopefully 'you' still remember the reason that 'you' were my idol! heehee...

Super tired today! But with these surprises...Just made me so happy!!! Especially when I got and read the letter! So touching...! Reminded me of soooooo many things! That's my best memories ever! I guess 'you' think the same!

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