Thursday, June 25, 2009

Long story~

Loha~ Sorry for the late update... Finally got time to really sit down and typing my blog (as I am very busy with my baby brother, haha)...
I think this post is gonna be a long one (2 in 1 post)! Just checked my facebook and found that Tanya had uploaded the photos of our makan event on the day when we finished our exam!
They are so cool~
Gonna blog about our makan-makan first! Well, we went to city for sure (as there are more cool and lovely makan places in city)! It actually took us very long to decide what we wanted to eat... We decided Japanese cuisine eventually. So Tanya recommended a nice Japanese restaurant-Sushi Tei. She said it's Singapore sushi restaurant and asked me whether I heard of it before. (........*sweat*.......I never knew that there is a Japanese Restaurant called Sushi Tei in Singapore) Well, can't blame me...I'm just staying near to Singapore (JB...not very near actually...). Whatever! I crap too much!
This Sushi Tei is so cool! It was fully booked when we got there so we could only sit by the bar. Hmm...actually, it doesn't really look like typical Japanese restaurant. It has been westernised (well of course, Australia is western country)!

The bar... People making sushi and prepare some easy entree here.

This is why I said it has been westernised! It actually looks like a high class restaurant with red wine on every table (though it's the convention of the Western people to have a bottle of red wine when they have their dinner or I mean any meal)

Our entree... Tofu! I like this, so freshy!!!

Tanya's rolls...They looked so nice! Well I believe they really were nice!

Left: something crab sushi (can't remember the name). It's Tanya's.
Right: My something something sushi (can't remember the name as well). It has egg, cucumber and pickle in it (I was still eating vege).

Yum~ My potato salad tempura. This was really great!
Soft filling with crispy coat.

The Jade Princess. Why jade? Look at the colour! It's green!

The Blushing Geishas. So red! Yea, don't be shy darling! lol

*We got new nicknames after this dinner...Guess what are they? No rewards if you got the correct answer, Haha! It is just too obvious!*

Cheers myself!

Feel so good after the dinner! Look at our happy faces then you will probably know how great was the food :D

Great! Finished dinner! What's next? .......Of course our DESSERT!!! heehee. I felt like Max Brenner again! I believe I had fallen in love with Max so deeply!!! Wakakakaka! You'll know who is Max later...

The menu... too many to choose! What to eat ler?

There are more by the cashier. Look at the croissant..."lying" so nicely and waiting for its new owner. lol

Eih? Is this the chocolate factory? I guess so...

Max said "Chocolate Is Good For You"! So....EAT MORE CHOCOLATE!!!

We decided to get this nice and sweet dessert! Fondue for two...not too full. We had dark chocolate, milk chocolate, banana bread, marshmallow, strawberry and banana! Gee, the dark chocolate was really a bomb! ;D

My cookieshake =>white chocolate, cookies and caramelised pecan

It was "seducing" me to drink it! Couldn't control myself anymore~ Come on baby!

Know who is this? *clap clap clap* Correct! He is my lover, Max! Haha!
He looks so cool hah!

Dip a strawberry in milk chocolate...
And Then...

Open your mouth and EAT IT! Be careful, don't ever let any chocolate to drop down...Don't waste it!

Not enough...See! We finished everything already but still dipping the chocolate....I said don't waste it!

Yea, look at me! Don't ever waste the chocolate! I can actually drink it if it was not that concentrated. Well, I can still lick it with my finger! lol

The end product....Yum yum~
Yummy~ Now I could go home already! Haha!


Ok back in home! I am so busy everyday with my baby brother! Tell you what, he is so hyper active and will never sit still!
But....Look at the photos! How come he sit still? What makes him sit so still and really concentrating? Guess!

He's holding his toes but still very concentrate with something... Just what is that?

Wow! Eating his fingers...Maybe he is watching at some nice food?

Don't know what the answer is? Surrender?
Ok! I'll tell you! Don't faint!
He is actually listening and watching to Hokkien songs! haha!
Can't believe? Yes, I couldn't believe until I saw him really sit still and concentrate when mom playing the hokkien song CD! Old baby....(nope! Tanya said he got taste!)


I was so busy in the morning but you will laugh me for sure for being busy with this!
Tell you what I busy with.....
I was..........
Peeling the rambutan's skin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on, they are so black already! Gonna rotten soon! Have to peel them and get the flesh put in the containers and keep them in the fridge!

See! They are lots cannot be eaten anymore! What a waste!

Anyway...These are some "survivals"! Congratulations! lol

Ok! This is it for this post! Ciao~ come back soon!


Tanya Tingyi Lau said...

OMG, your bro is so cute!!!!! Bring back some rambutans for me too =p

Anonymous said...

omg!!! ue bro is freaking cute!!! I love him so much!! =)

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