Sunday, June 7, 2009

Stop it!!!

OMG!!!!!!! Super Duper ANNOYING!!!!!!!!
I never thought that they can be so inconsiderate!!!!!!
Come on! I am now STUDYING AND PREPARING FOR THE EXAM!!! Can't you just stop making so much noise and PLEASE KINDLY LOWER DOWN THE VOLUME!!!!!!

I know this is your house but I AM part of the house as well! Didn't you noticed that YOU ARE ACTUALLY MAKING TOO MUCH NOISE AND ALREADY DISTURBED OTHERS!!!
I really don't understand lo seriously! She is still a kid, being ego i can understand but you are adults!!! You should be able to control the loudness of your noise!!!!!!!!

Arghhhh!!!!!! I AM SO SO SOOOOOO ENOUGH WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!


Anna said...

Oh, Aurora, I have great hope that you didn't shout at her, did you? I believe that you used your blog to release anger by writing and you stayed calm in real world.

I can imagine how annoying can be other people we live with, I don't have roomates, because I still live with my parents so this is totally different story ;) But I have friends who rent a room with other students and HAVE TO live with people they don't like very much.

During some holidays when I was teenager I had to face up with problem like you have and I know it can be horrible when we have to encounter egoism of other people.

People are egoists, childish, impolite, immature, sassy... I can write much more adjectives.

The only thing I can say is that you can try to talk with your flatmate about her egoistic behaviour, but please try to pe calm, don't lose your nerve, because it will make everything worse. Say exactly what you don't like and what you will not tolerate, say that you pay bills so you diserve for respect your right to quaiet, especially now when you have to study to exams. Don't judge her, don't offend her. Just say what you want and say and say that you deserve that.


Hugs of course ;)

Ps: I should study now, I have exam tommorow, it's middle of the night but I am here, in front of my computer monitor and I am totally not in mood to study :) I hope both of us will pass all exams we have :D

Mandy said...

Hi Anna,
You are right! I will never ever shouted at others, I was just released my anger here.
I hope they are my flatmates but they aren't. I'm actually staying with a family so they are actually my landlord. It's really hard to tell them to lower down their voices or whatever.
I know you are the landlord but you should think of other's feeling. I pay for the room and I should have a better environment to study...but too bad...they never thought like that...sigh.
And thanks Anna so much for always giving me wise words! You have such a mature thought :)

ps: And yea, you really should study at the moment. haha. Good luck for your exam!

Huggies =>

Anna said...

I see, your situation is much more complcated. I am sure that if I were you I would not know how to act to my landlords and feel very confused. It means that you actually can not tell them how they should act, I'm sorry :(

It can sound like I am mature, but trust me that it is MUCH easier write something here than do it in real life - I am also not very good in such things we talk about ;) But maybe you could... simply ask them for favour to be quiet for a couple of days? I believe they understand :)

Hugs, it's always my pleasure to come here and write you something nice ;) Cross your fingers, I am goint to write my exam in about one hour!!!!!

Mandy said...

I hoped I can do that but I don't even have the gut to tell them 'please...can you please just shut up, i mean be quiet for few days so i can study for my exam'. It just a very simple request but words really don't come easy!
Chill, sweetie! You will be fine or I mean you were fine (you should have done your exam right now)!
My turn to stress up! Haha.

Anna said...

Good news: I passed exam today ;) How about yours? Have any exams already or hav them later? Best wishes in this hard time for all students :) Thank you that you believe in me :*

Words: people invented them to make comunication easier, but it is one of the most difficult way of coming to understandinw with other people arround us. Even if it seems to be infreasible, later when you try it may finds out that you are able to do it :) We often limit ourselves due to fear or something like that. You know what I am talking about ;)

Let's do our best, come cross borders, catch dreams and find happiness :)


Mandy said...

Yay! Congrats! I know you can do it!
I still heven't done my exam, it's next week! so basically im having study week now.
Hmm...maybe. It's hard to be fearless anyway. lol

Have a good rest, sweetie!

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