Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lam Fung @ JB City Square

Lam Fung is so so so gorgeous!!!
Lam Fung had 3D 2N trip to Malaysia from 10th July...He was promoting the Poweroot Alicafe...
He was finally showing in JB yesterday in City Square!
My sister and I, of course, had planned to see Lam Fung!
Honesty, I was so excited as this would be the first time for me meeting Lam Fung!
We went CS around 12pm (Lam Fung would only show up on 2.30pm), there were many people sitting in line waiting for Lam Fung! (I thought we would be the first...Haha)
Wanna signature from your idol?
Very easy! Buy any two packet of Poweroot drinks then you would be given Lam Fung's poster then you can have his signature on the poster!
Terms and Conditions: 1. One poster per person
2. Only poster of Poweroot (No other photos or albums as he came
to promote Alicafe)

This fanmeeting undoubtedly sponsored by the Poweroot and hosted by FM98.8. We had two cute and funny emcee - Ah Lok & Ah Kian.

Yala, this is the stage...

Close up of Lam Fung's image~

They had this game while waiting for Lam Fung ===> Coffee drinking competition

That white shirt's uncle was funny! He thought he had finished the coffee then he turned the tin around on his head.............the residual actually "bathed" him! Poor uncle...

Those special people who could sit on the chairs were Lam Fung's fan club members. They actually came all the way here from KL ler!

Can you actually see the crowd? There were more upstairs!
How charming Lam Fung is!

Even little boy Lam Fung's fan!

As time closer to Lam Fung's arrival, the fan club member blew the whistle and we shouted Lam Fung's name! You know, that's the way to welcome Lam Fung ====> Whistled two times then "LAM FUNG". So cool ler!

Welcome the superstar *drum drum*

OMG! He is so so so so handsome ler!!!!!!!!!

The emcee asked him a few questions for us (the fans)......... Obviously, people asked if he has girlfriend (not creative at all, we always read this from newspaper and Lam Fung had said it thousands times!!!!!!!!!!!!)! The next question was much more creative la!
So, when is Lam Fung gonna have his concert in JB?
Lam Fung: I'm currently having full schedule and I'll have a new Mandarin album end of this year hopefully. Concert ma...will need to see my schedule but don't worry I will definitely have a concert in Malaysia!
How sweet is the answer!

It's now the autograph time! See, the crowd (I was one of the crowd lol).......So squeezing!

Take a break after 10 minutes autographing... Lam Fung was good enough that he promised to sign all the posters (meaning all the fans in the crowd will get his autograph!), the condition was not to squeeze, follow the line to avoid people getting hurt... How sweet he is!

Continue second round...
Lam Fung is very friendly lo! He will look and smile at each fan when signing the posters. I actually talked to Lam Fung! So happy! I said "Lam Fung, ga yao", he looked at me and said "Do tze" then smiled at me again when handed the poster to me! Oh my goodness, I'm soooooo happy, he looked at me twice!!!!!!!! heehee...

Lam Fung signed on every poster very patiently...

Finally.... Finished signing!
Poor Lam Fung...his hand must be shivering now...

Before Lam Fung's leaving, chit chat something!
Bye bye Lam Fung~ Please please please come again next time!

Before we're going home, took some photos with our lovely emcee...
This is Ah Kian la!

This is the super funny one==> Ah Lok!

Must show off my Lam Fung's signed poster! Wakakakaka!
Can you see the his signature?

Close up especially for you la!

Okla! It was such a happy day! My mum asked me if I really saw him! OF COURSE LA! I WAITED THERE LER! Haha!


Anonymous said...

Omg!! Lam feng !! ue had went to see him.. damn nice..

Mandy said...

Yea! He is soooooo gorgeous! How lucky I was to see him!
Do you like Lam Fung too?

Anonymous said...

yessssssss.. he is freaking gorgeous!! haha

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