Friday, July 10, 2009

What can I say?

All I can say is SAD SAD SAD!!!!!!!!!
Bye bye English AGAIN...
I know YOU have been with us for six years...too bad some people think YOU didn't actually help much in the learning!
Ok fine! People...since you have decided to 'kick' English away in your education system then what's the point of the meeting? M thought it was going to be a discussion meeting on this issue...But see what the meeting actually was! You guys just wanted to inform that you have kicked English away! Then don't even organised that meeting! Just announce what you have already DECIDED!
Arguments have been 'flying' everywhere since yesterday. I know some people are happy with this decision. But have you guys think of the long term effect?
Well, I bet everyone is very clear that English is the international language. You can communicate with others wherever you are if you can speak English!
Honestly, I am so so so disagree with the termination of English use in teaching science and math. I understand that primary school children may have the problem in learning if their English level is not good...Come on, if you want your child to speak fluent English then you should let them to learn earlier in their lives! Childhood is the golden time to learn a second language!
You guys said teach science and math in mother language in primary school and increase the time for english learning as to underpin children's english. Fine, I can still accept this...
The biggest problem is that no more English in teaching science and math in high school! I really really can't accept this! Well, I'm now studying uni so this doen't affect me but the future of the children is the largest concern!
Think this yourself...You use English in uni wherever you study. The transition will be hard for the students if they've never had an experience of English in everyday the time you are in uni, it is 1000x harder to learn English than you learn during childhood!

You people said 6 years...English didn't bring any effects to the learning; conversely, had affected the learning of the national language...have you ever think why English teaching didn't bring any effect?
My sister was in Sec5 last year...She told me that the teachers, specifically Science and Math teachers didn't teach Sc and Math in English at all. The students in the class even said that their Bio teacher was LCD...Know why? Teacher didn't teach at all, they were only taught through LCD. When some students asked question (in English), the teachers actually answered them in bahasa. Not only my sister, my brother also faced the same problem (they were in different school). I also heard some complaints from my friends...
I really think this English teaching system were failed due to lack of teacher training! This is so obvious ok! The teachers were used to teach in bahasa since years ago so they don't have any idea to teach in English (maybe)...
Six years ago...this decision of using English to teach Sc and Math was too hurried...did not have any trained teacher and started immediately...Also people have no think this is so unsuccessful so you terminate it right away...
Enough saying...or I'll be considered as involving in some kind of 'objection' activity...
However, I really wish you people can reconsider it. Think of the long term benefits not only the short term failure...

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