Monday, August 31, 2009


It seems like my blog has been quite 'lonely' lately... Sorry, have not been updating my blog since......not sure when was my last entry... *sweat*
I've been so so so busy with assignments! So glad that I'm still survive and hopefully I'll still survive with more upcoming assignments and quiz...

31st August ====> I almost forget today is actually our National Day! Anyway, Selamat Hari Merdeka la! Sadly, no public holiday in Australia...*sweat*
Time flies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the end of the month! Just a blink of eyes! What I've been doing since Uni starts? I've no idea... Well, apparently...ASSIGNMENTS...ASSIGNMENTS and MORE ASSIGNMENTS!!!

I thought our MFest is coming but there is NO NEWS AT ALL! I wonder if it is still on for this year? I really miss my Malaysian food ler! *drooling*

GOSH! I only have 4 entries this month! Becoming lazier and lazier ler.... Excuse me, I'm not lazy lor! I just have too much works to do okay! Anyway, I'll try try try to keep my blog update!
All right, need to get back to my desk and continue with my LOVELY assignment ler~ Ciao~

First Love ❤

Goodness me! I didn't realize I didn't actually posted this entry! It was "lying" in my draft since 11th August! So geng! Anyway, this was actually my day with "sudden mood" to make a nice dessert which was introduced by the HK show- Beauty's kitchen (Mei lui cu fong)!
I think this dessert is just good for girls to make for their valentines during Valentine's Day!
Follow me for the procedure!

Dessert: First Love

What do you need? The materials are all very easy to get so no worries!
  • Cooking chocolate 250g
  • Marie biscuit 500g
  • Vanilla essence Few drops (depends on how strong the taste you like)
  • Egg (beaten) 2
  • Dried fruit (cranberry, raisin etc up to u)
  • Strawberry For decoration
  • Chocolate powder
  • Aluminium foil

What's next?
  • Melt the cooking chocolate
  • Add the beaten eggs once the choc melted and stir it
  • Add few drops of vanilla essence
  • Break the biscuit slightly, add into the melted choc and stir
  • Add your favourite dried fruits
  • Pour the whole thing on the Aluminium foil and wrap it (Tips: Press until there's no gaps between the choc and biscuit while you are wrapping <= you don't want your first love with lots of holes I supposed! lol)
  • Then put it into the freezer overnight
  • Cut to serve (Reminder: it's very sticky, be careful when you unwrap it. Sprinkle some chocolate powder on the choc surface so it won't stick on your plate or whatever when you are serving)
Some photos for you to refer! I had put the photos in sequence so if you don't understand the written procedure, do refer the photos!
Melted choc + eggs + vanilla essence
Marie in the melted choc
Stir it!
Add dried fruit! I added some cranberry! Again, stir it!
Ok, pour everything onto the Aluminium foil
Press and shape it!
This is the look when you unwrap it the next day
Sprinkle some choc powder on the surface
Cut it!
Serve it with some strawberries then will be PERFECT!!!
First Love...Sweet with a lil' sour... TRY DO IT YOURSELF!

Monday, August 10, 2009

To sum up my day~

OMG!!!!!!! He is just sitting 45 degrees to my seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As usual, wearing his grey jumper, with his headphones on and very concentrating on the computer screen..
It's great to see him especially after the tiring lectures (tired...maybe it's nothing to do with the lectures, i stayed up till very late last night...)
It is just too amazing...I don't know him at all, yes he is a total stranger for just looking at him, even from far...I can already feel the "electricity" which always make me feel so hot (yea, I guess my face is blushing red now...I hope nobody notice it...).
I guess it's lunch time so most people get out of the room. He is now much more clearer to see! Oh wait you! Don't sit in front of me! You've blocked my vision!!!!!!
I tried recalling what Tanya said the other day,....when you see him again, try to smile at him, I'm sure he knows your face (well, i guess so...I've been seeing him for 2 years+ and i mean we always see each other in uni in these 2 years+, i believe he remebers my face...). Ok, I tried...too bad he didn't see me ler! Nevermind, keep it up!


Went Macquarie Centre for lunch...hmm...what to eat ler?
Eih? That guy looks like Jovi (sorry I didn't wear my specs so not very clear), no doubt, that's Jovi! Ahahaha! He accompanied me for lunch (he had his lunch actually, I guess he thought I was too pity to eat alone so...........)! He's quite a gentlemen lo (don't tell here, maybe he doesn't want people to know that he is gentlemen)! Anyway, thanks so much for accompanying me!
Next time if there's no one to eat with me, I'm gonna ask him! Believe it or not, eating with him is really fun, especially when we crap alot and laugh like some crazy creatures! Wakakaka!
Thanks again Jovi! :D

Monday, August 3, 2009

Today is such a good start of new semester~
Yes, I know it is!
Good days are awaiting me ahead~

yea, my mood today can be defined with a lovely sweet pink~
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