Monday, August 31, 2009


It seems like my blog has been quite 'lonely' lately... Sorry, have not been updating my blog since......not sure when was my last entry... *sweat*
I've been so so so busy with assignments! So glad that I'm still survive and hopefully I'll still survive with more upcoming assignments and quiz...

31st August ====> I almost forget today is actually our National Day! Anyway, Selamat Hari Merdeka la! Sadly, no public holiday in Australia...*sweat*
Time flies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the end of the month! Just a blink of eyes! What I've been doing since Uni starts? I've no idea... Well, apparently...ASSIGNMENTS...ASSIGNMENTS and MORE ASSIGNMENTS!!!

I thought our MFest is coming but there is NO NEWS AT ALL! I wonder if it is still on for this year? I really miss my Malaysian food ler! *drooling*

GOSH! I only have 4 entries this month! Becoming lazier and lazier ler.... Excuse me, I'm not lazy lor! I just have too much works to do okay! Anyway, I'll try try try to keep my blog update!
All right, need to get back to my desk and continue with my LOVELY assignment ler~ Ciao~

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