Sunday, September 6, 2009

My Saturday + Sunday Supreme

Sorry for the late entry, I promised to blog on Saturday. I was too tired yesterday, anyway...
So what was really happening on Saturday? What was so good about Saturday that I couldn't wait so much?
Tadah~ It was actually our Ai Vee mui's big day!
Know where we've been to?
Ahahahahaha~ Follow me!

AI VEE'S BIG DAY - Round 1

Destination: Garden Buffet, Sydney Star City

We took some funny photos in front of the Lyric Theatre, Star City...

Don't be so scared la, Ai Vee! I have no Swine Flu! lol

Hey, Tanya don't you feel hot? Bear-hugged Ai Vee! See, she tried to protect herself so you couldn't 'eat her tofu'! Haha!

This is where we were heading!

The bars with lots of food~

Great! Go get some and share~ Yum yum~

Mussels with white wine sauce

Mandy's homebrand Caesar Salad

Very obvious la! Prawn! We had some lemon juice squeezed on them and sauce to dip...

Chicken n sweet corn soup... very chinese taste

Pork and Ai Vee's favourite prawn crackers!

They seemed to enjoy the food~

Garlic+herb breas and pizzas

Fish n chips and fake calamari sticks lol

Seafood salad

Ai Vee style of peeling prawns

Spring rolls and sweet n sour pork

Nasi Briyani and butter chicken
Nice one!

Ai Vee promoting her mussels

We recommended the chinese style~

Ai Vee o Ai Vee~ Eat more and talk less ok!

The end products!

Dessert time~ So colourful ler!

Take a photo first while trying our desserts! Cheese~


It's comment time! Let's see what's the honorable guests said about the desserts...
AiVee glared at the unfinished desserts? Looked like the answer is UNSATISFIED!

Tanya's comment... Oklo...not good also not bad la!

Mandy's comment...Eih??? What's that expression means? Very awful?

THE TOILET ARTS... (what's that? scroll down and see!)

Posing in the toilet? Excuse me, not smelly meh?

Kissing somemore!? Do you all know hygiene ar!

Let's go Ai Vee! Enough toilet photographing!

Ok, show your most satisfied looks!

Ok, full already! It's show time! Script by...AiVee, Tanya and Mandy~
Mama Ai Vee Mia~~~
Judges: Fantastic! 100%

The Bride-To-Be...

Mandy: Pretty lady, may I?
Tanya: Hmmm! Cin cai la! No fish, shrimp also good!

Tanya: Hmmmm! Forget it! I prefer leng zai!
Mandy: Ceh! Don't want don't want la! What so 'ba bai'!

The IEC Malaysian Portrait

Hey! You owe us 100 million! When are you gonna pay the money back!

Oh~ I'm flying~

Battle starts... Ai Vee vs Tanya
Who got her leg higher wins....

Round 1
Tanya wins

Round 2
Tanya wins again with a little bit higher.
Ai Vee, you still sleeping ar! You're gonna lose soon!

Round 3

Round 4
Yay! Ai Vee wins with PERFECT 90 degrees angle

Ai Vee's Big day - Round 1 ended with the most beautiful ladies + opera house scene~

AI VEE'S BIG DAY - Round 2

Destination: Ai Vee's house MUV Unit 87

I'm 'hired' as 1 day chef~ My work: Char Bihun and of course my very special Almond Tofu

BBQ chicken - credits of Kok Lian

Nah~ That's Kok Lian! The Chief of Chicken Wings! So proud of his work

Messy kitchen...

Some nice cookies and cupcakes...

Before the party starts....Get the food all ready on the table

The kitchen staff. Thanks to us for the good food!

AGAIN, ends Ai Vee's Big Day - Round 2 with 4 pretty ladies picture! (sorry for my oily face la! I've been frying the bihun before the party started)


1 comment:

Anna said...

Hey dear friend :)

Thank you for your very nice comment under my post "you mean more with others". I wrote a reply for you there but... It didn't appear! And I haven't noticed it untill now because I was away from home for a couple of days. I'm sorry :(

I like your post a lot, thank you for sharing so many pictures here.

I'm very glad that birthday party of your friend was succesfull and that you enjoyed helping her to prepare everything. I see many exotic dishes in your photos - I like it because your cousin is completely different to mine: it looks very attractive even if you prepare it on your own. Our meals look great only in good and expensive restaurants, when we cook in home we just put the food on the plates - that's all (laugh!).

Ok, maybe I try to reply your comment because I like it very much and I know how nice is finding a reply for our comments ;)

I see that we are quite similar! I always suffer when I see my friends sad or mad - if I notice any bad emotion in their eyes I give them my 'helpful hands' and try to solve their problems in peaceful way. We should care of our friends because "we mean more with others", right? (wink)

Love is something complicated and I don't have many experiences with love because I have never been in love before and even now I am not sure that this what I feel now I should describe as a "love" because it still sounds like too serious declaration and I don't think I am ready for that. Time will show!

For me "love at first sight" is not love. It's very intensive feeling but it is nothing deep. My English is still poor and I can't express what I want in the way I would like the most but I try to explain it in another way ;)

A girl meets a boy. She says "it's a love at first sight!". But what she exactly love? His personality, resolutness? Or maybe because he protects her and care about her? No, because she doesn't know him good well after a few minutes of conversation. So what she exactly love in that boy? His outlook? This is what I understand as "love at first sight" and I don't think it can work for longer time.

So... I am very glad that you agree with me in this topic :D

See you in next comment :D
Enjoy your time and have fun :)

Hugs from Poland

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