Monday, October 5, 2009

Dust storm swallowed Sydney...

I know it's been 2 weeks since the dust storm...I was too busy to post my entry, anyway...
It was so dramatic of the whole dust storm process! I didn't witness the whole process though...

I remembered I was up early that day (23.9.09) cause I had morning shift on 7.30am.
It was so dark, supposed to be bright on 6.30am nowadays...
I saw orange light shone in through the gap between the curtains...The first thing I thought was...OMG, is my neighbor's house on fire!? (the stupidest thought lol)
*Lifted the curtains* What the hell had happened!!!??? Why is the sky so ORANGE!!! And the wind was so strong!!!
OMG, what to do? Should I go work or not? Have to go la, my boss didn't call me!
Just imagine, I walked against the strong wind! I wonder how much dust had I swallowed? Haha...
I took some photos on the way to workplace... The condition wasn't that bad but still...

Sorry la, my very lousy handphone...So the photos weren't so good in quality and the orange wasn't obvious in the photos... No worries, I'll show you the real condition and how the dust storm swallowed Sydney!!! Some very professional photographers took these photos below...

Barely see the Harbour Bridge...

Luna Park was so orange!

Getting better...

Look at the trees! You'll know how strong was the wind!

Compare the two photos... The top one is clear sky where you can see the Harbour Bridge and Opera House clearly...The bottom one was the attack of the dust storm...Can't even see the whole Harbour Bridge and Opera House was TOTALLY out!

I really really hope dust storm don't come again! It was so dusty that making people coughing and sore throat!

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