Thursday, November 26, 2009

Green amongst the Reds...

Yesterday was really a Big Huge Mess Day!!!!!!
All right, I went to work as usual... And I was in the preschool room yesterday.
The weather seemed fine---> it's a good thing that we could play outside today instead of just staying inside the whole day!
The thing I hated the most is that staff doing their own things or chatting to each other during working time!
Come on! We are all early childhood educators and we are supposed to play and talk to the children!
Most of the staff chat when they work, I wonder if the director knows about this...
Ok, least they will still notice what the children do...still acceptable but not desired.
The worst ever thing is doing their portfolios during work time! You know what! You can't see what the children do when you are so concentrating with your portfolio!!!
Ok, you can't see but you can hear right? Preschoolers were back into the room so I went in too, leaving the toddlers outside.
Me and another staff heard children crying and screaming everywhere outside but we couldn't see any staff there! Oh my goodness! What was happening out there!!!
I told another staff that I just gonna check what's going on outside, she nodded.
But when I walked out, I saw this staff writing her portfolio while another two staff changing children's nappies and having morning tea break!
What the hell!?Are you deaf or what! Couldn't you hear that???
I couldn't do anything cause obviously, there were toddler room staff out there, I couldn't just go out and ask the children what happened so I just told my room staff that xxx was out there.
I really cannot understand lo! If you choose to work in child care centre then you should do your responsibilities. Come on, you can do your portfolios at home!!! If you can't take care of the children then what's the point you go to work???

Afternoon was really CRAZY!!! Super hot outside so we couldn't play outside. Children been caged inside for too long, they became super duper chaotic! Everyone running, screaming inside, toys were everywhere, no one packed them away after finished playing.
The consequence---> all sat on the mat and listened to the room leader and no toys to play for about 20 minutes and they were given a second chance to play nicely and pack away when finish...
Unfortunately... Children were still not playing nicely and the room was still super freaking messy!!! Ok, no more chance! Everyone had to sit on the mat again!
Anyway, we did go out for a while around 4.30pm...
I was supposed to go off on 5pm but due to the ratio, I had to stay abit longer. I had early shift yesterday so it wasn't my job to pack the outdoor away (supposed to be the 2 late shift staff from toddler and preschool room job). Ok, I don't mind to help packing away but NO ONE was helping me!!! And I packed away everything under the freaking hot sun!!!!!!!!!
Can you imagine, the outdoor space is so big with lotsa toys in the sandpit, balancing beam and stuff at soft fall area, bikes and etc... I packed all these away!!!
So tired! I thought my old bones gonna break ler!!!!!!!!

It was really a horrible day but there was something warmed my heart too...

A girl gave this to me...
I thought she wanted to show me something so I asked her what is that.
She told me it's a birthday card.
I asked if it is for her mom or dad...
She came near me and whispered in my ear...
"It's your Birthday Card", she said.
How sweet!

Inside view...
I read A, B, C, D, E, F, G...
She tole me that is a H not G.
I asked her why there isn't a G...
Know what she said?
"I don't like G!"
Haha! What a cute answer!

Anyway, I still hope that no such thing is gonna happen again in the future!

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