Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mandy's specialzzzzz

Addicted to my home-made tasty and healthy salad recently~
I found this combination of veggies and fruits is the best I ever have!
Nah, I'm gonna share this 'recipe' with you!

What do you need?
  • Celery
  • Strawberry
  • Cherry tomato / tomato
  • Kiwi
  • Nuts and dried fruit (optional)
I know some people do not like the smell of celery. You know what! You can't actually taste the celery with lotsa strawberries in it! The ratio of the veggie and fruits is really up to you! If you love celery then put more celery! If you hate celery do much... you can just leave out the celery and replace with other veggies you like or just pure fruit salad!
Nuts bring the crunchiness to your salad! I prefer almond, walnut, cashew nut and macadamia! Just add whatever nuts you like!
Wash and cut the veggies and fruits into small pieces or cubes... Serve onto a plate... That's it! Quick and easy! Most importantly, yummy and healthy!

Look! The very colourful salad~

Zoom in... They look so nice, don't they?

Try yourself at home! You will definitely like it! =D

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