Friday, November 27, 2009


Yay! Exam finished! No wonder the things all around me become so peace and nice all of a sudden! lol
Seriously, I didn't notice these nice scene during exam period (see pictures below).

Last paper was on 2pm. I went to Apple Cottage Child Care Centre (where I did my prac) to get the books I bought before exam.
The director is really good (well, she is my co-operating teacher during prac and I know she is good long time ago). She saw me as visiting the centre and asked me to go in to the room and play around.
I was happy to see all the children again! I was so surprised that they can still remember me cause it has been 1 month since I finished my prac! Felt so sweet to hear them call 'Mandy, Mandy!' again!
I stayed about 20 minutes (couldn't stay any longer as I need to go for exam)...

Walking along the way to the bus station, I noticed some changes since the last time I walked...
Or maybe it's mid-spring time... Lots of nice flowers and 'colourful' trees along the street! See, I told you! You'll never notice nice and beautiful things when you are not in the mood, which I mean you're having trouble, high stress level or rush in time!

I walked slowly and looked around...
Look what I saw around~

I'm not sure what is this but I'm pretty sure it's some kind of flower.
Look like tiny grapes~ Can I eat them?
Hmm, it may be nice to make them as Christmas decoration? haha.

This flower is a very interesting plant - Hortensia! Know why it's interesting?
The colours of the blossoms change according to the pH of the soil...
If the soil is acidic (pH less than 7) then the colour of the blossoms will be BLUE...
When pH=7 which is neutral, the colour will be WHITE...
And when the soil is basic (pH more than 7) then the colour of the blossoms will be PINK or PURPLE...
Interesting right?
And look at the picture, all three colours -blue, white and pink are there! Means the soil is acidic, neutral and basic???

Shadow is always nice, especially in a day with HUGE HOT SUN on your head!

And look! That's the HUGE HOT SUN la! Huge ler!
It looked nice though... ;p

Super bright sun is nice! It creates nice scenery and of course brighten up our days!

Ok, I went all the way from my house to Apple Cottage just for these! I shall introduce them one by one... Haha!

What!? Surprise? Come on! Books are good ! Especially for early childhood teacher, we need to collect nice picture books!
From left: A very Special Wish, A Taste of Chocolate, Charlie and Lola
Sorry ler, the 'A Taste of Chocolate' is not for children... It is just for me... lol

They are usually very expensive but apparently, bookstores always have special price for child care centres, schools and other workplaces...

A Very Special Wish - there are 4 stories in there. I just read them... Very nice!
I actually attracted by the book cover when I saw it! Very nice cover that attracting people's attentions and desires to open it! Don't you think so?

A Taste of Chocolate - well, obviously it's a recipe! For chocolate lovers, you will definitely love it! There are lots of ways to eat chocolate!!!

Charlie and Lola - this is a very famous children's book in Australia! There are 10 books in there.
The original price was AUD130 and they are selling for AUD40!!! Average of each book = AUD4, Very worthy la!!!

These are the ten books! Too bad you can only read the covers (except for Tanya). Haha!

Wow! I told you! Everything seems great after exam!!! I think the greatest thing is my MOOD! Haha! Exam over = Shopping + Eating + Partying Times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be back soon~


Evan Soon San On said...

only can say one word.. envy.. haha!015

DaViS ChAi said...

early age teacher?

Mandy said...

Evan: Don't envy la~ If you wanna read the books, I can pinjam you geh! haha

Davis: I know I'm young! Haha! Remember to bring you children to me next time ar~ Haha.

Unknown said...

its been 2 months since i posted a comment.. hahaha! i not envy ur books but the weather and scenery there.. too bad the 1st overseas trip i want to go when i work is Japan~

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