Sunday, December 6, 2009

Little Star City Party

We very geng! Quanyie's party ended the next morning and we actually had another party at Glen's house! @.@
More friends here~
I'll say this party was more like... "Star City" party!!! Haha!
I'll show you why I called it Little Star City! Follow me!

First table--- > Mahjong! Don't ever think only Chinese play Mahjong! Look at Luke and Sunny! They are Korean ok! Sunny is very geng somemore ok!
Luke and Quanyie learnt on the spot! They also not bad wor! Very fast learners!

Table two----> Poker! From left: Calvin (my shifu), Ronald, Yoyo, Jay and I don't know this one (paiseh la)...

The super cool house owner & my shifu---> Glen!
Look at his pose also know he's very cool la!

Everyone was soon very hungry! Especially Darryl... He was hungry 1 hour before we ordered the pizzas! Wakakaka!

This is so funny!!! I don't know what the crap was Calvin doing! Was he trying to scare me? If he was... then ceh! not scary at all!!! lol

Tanya o Tanya. She is really a material of being early childhood teacher la! Can construct things with mahjong also! (p/s don't teach the children to play mahjong ar!!!)

I told you Quanyie is very fast learner! She soon could play by herself! Very PRO somemore ok!

Be her student very cham ler... Tanya was like "Chuck this one la, silly!" lol

Finally, I was on the table! Honestly, I'm not very good! Haha! My luck was very bad also! Always waiting for the same cards as Tanya did but she always got them! T.T

Been partying for two days!!! So tired! But it was really really fun! Another party is coming on Saturday!!! Haha!
Be patience and wait for my post about the Saturday party la~

1 comment:

Tanya Tingyi Lau said...

I'm a very good si fu okay =p Both of my tou tai also won a few rounds =) *Proud si fu* LOL.

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