Thursday, June 10, 2010

Finally... TOMORROW is coming!!!
Tomorrow is the most tension and happiest day (I guess)!
Well, guess what?
It's my first and last exam tomorrow!
Been waited for tomorrow to come for days~
So excited it finally comes!
Don't think I'm nuts - I don't think people use excited to describe exam except ME! Wakakaka!
I really am so enough with the readings and revisions!!!
Just wanna quickly get over it and "YAY FREEDOM" !!!

Winter is here...
Kinda freezing especially morning and night...
If I could get a real WARM and HUGE hug... THAT WILL BE SO GREAT!!!
Too bad I have to wrap myself with 4 layers of clothes and 3 layers of quilts... T-T

Okey Dokey~ Enough slacking!
And Banquet after exam... HERE I COME!!! =P

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