Sunday, August 22, 2010

Whatever it is!

It's been long since my last post... more than two months I guess???
Well, nevermind. I don't think people care =P
Have been so busy with assignments since uni resumes... And prac is starting in a week time!
GRrrrrr.... Seriously feel like to hang myself!!!
Many people know it's my final year! I'll be graduating next semester if there's NO ACCIDENT!!! =P
FINALLY!!! I know! Friends been asking me "Just when are you graduating!!!???" and yea! Haha~

Well, escape myself from boring assignment for a little while...
I bet people know what is the best way to de-stress.... FOOD!!! ABSOLUTELY!!!
You know what... I'm not those easily satisfied person. I won't just go out and simply buy a food!
Well, I prefer doing myself!
Whatever it is... I'm just gonna come out with something!!! Haha!
And yea! I got something for my dinner~
First time doing it (i mean this dish), not sure if it was gonna be nice...
Hmmmm.... SURPRISINGLY GOOD!!! haha!
I have got a new dish in my 'recipe' now!

Well, it may not look very nice... BUT IT WAS REALLY GOOD! Trust me~~~
Haha! Show you my dinner~


Tuna Potato Cake (simply name it)...

Wanna make one yourself?
Here's the recipe~ Try it at home~

  • Potato
  • Tuna
  • Lemon
  • Black pepper
  • Salt
  • Butter (optional)
  • Plain flour
  1. Boil potato and mash it.
  2. In a big bowl, mix the mashed potato, tuna, lemon juice, cracked black pepper, salt and butter.
  3. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Apply plain flour on the tuna potato bake and slightly fry it.
  5. Add some veggies for decoration and it is ready to be served!
Bon Appétit~

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