Saturday, December 18, 2010

X'mas Party @ The Blue Room (4th Dec 2010)

It's been four months since my very last entry. Been very very busy + lazy to update my blog. Well, having holidays at the moment so should have little spare time for me to update my blog a little.

Have been working for 1 year + at my workplace... This year, I was invited to the Christmas party which held on a cruise ship ===> The Blue Room. Yippie! Honestly, I haven't gone up a cruise ship in Sydney yet (despite my 3.5 years Sydney life -.-"). Lucky enough cause this would be my first and last Christmas party with my colleagues (since I'm graduating next semester).

Well, the happiest thing for me about this party was that I would have a 'on water' tour at the Darling Harbour and which meant I could see the Opera House from different angles (360 degree actually) and the beautiful night scene of the harbour! Well of course, enjoy yummy food (hopefully).

Honestly, I really enjoyed the night scene and food! AND AND AND a group of nice people =)
But too bad these are the best photos I could show you... Sorry for my lousy camera (it is only $88, so don't expect a very good quality photo lar).

That's the Blue Room. Well, not a really big one but still, a really nice one!

With a bar that changes colours. As you could see all kinds of wine, beer and drinks on the bar.

I seldom go to the city at night time, so don't really know how beautiful the night scene at the harbour can be. The night still young...

When it gets darker and later in the city... I know the quality is really bad (I personally love this photo though) but I guess you can see how beautiful it is. That's the Harbour Bridge.

We had dancing time~ Do you believe all these people are teachers? You should see how crazy they were =P

We were very lucky to see fireworks at the harbour. I heard someone was proposing to his girlfriend with all these fireworks. How romantic!!! And this guy must be so rich =P

All Eastwood branch girls (except Wing who was sick, Janaki and Jess who were somewhere)

Thanks to Acre Woods for such an awesome Christmas Party   =D

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