Saturday, May 21, 2011

Blink a blink your eyes~

I've been using mascara for quite sometimes (but don't really use it on daily basis, maybe just for outing and you know some events etc). This is why it's so uncommon for me to talk about cosmetics on my blog (cause I don't use them often), but I guess I should really start investing on the cosmetics and you know look pretty everyday, everywhere. For some culture, make up is a manner. A Japanese friend of mine said that it's respect to others when you have make up because you are delivering a good image to the other persons. That's really interesting! And I guess this is why we see pretty girls everywhere in Japan =)

Erm, I'm not selling or promoting cosmetics brand here, not tutoring how to use it either. I'm posting this today is just to 'show off' a pressie from Tanya haha. She gave this mascara to me yesterday when we had our Malaysian food nite at Sambal. I was quite surprised when she gave that to me. She said no reason la, cause she knows I use mascara and I guess this is some new product or whatever, that's why she's sharing love (she always do).

Rimmel - Glam' Eyes Mascara (Just read it from the label). And yea, it also said 'new' on the label so my assuption of new product has passed lol!

Haven't really use this brand before but I really like the look of the mascara! A crown and some patterns on the lid, with the colour...It looks just girly and 'princess' I guess. Since it said Glam eyes, the effects must be making your lashes look glamorous and dramatic!!! Will try one day and see how it goes haha.
Thank you Tanya

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