Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Thousand year egg chicken porridge

Haven't been cooking for really long time!!! The food I miss the most is the thousand egg chicken porridge - my mum's special recipe. Well, it doesn't look really different from those selling outside but I'm pretty sure they taste different (well of course!!! Cause everyone has different styles and skills =P). I'm proudly saying that my porridge tastes the same as the one my mum cooks (I'm inherited her skills and styles lol). 

You're lucky cause I'm gonna share the recipe with you here ❤
Remember that everyone can still produce the porridge with different tastes (so if your first try turns out to be not that nice, don't be sad cause PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT =D)!!! 

Recipe (2-3 serves)

Ingredients: - 2 Thousand year eggs
                       - 2 Salted eggs 
                       - 2 Chicken drumsticks
                       - 1/2 cup of rice
1. Marinade the chicken drumsticks with a little salt and white pepper.
2. Boil water to cook the salted eggs. When they are cook, peel the shells, cut into small cubes and set aside.
3. Simmer the thousand year eggs boiled water for 3-5 minutes (this is to reduce the smell of the thousand eggs as they are really stink!). Peel the shells, cut into small cubes and set aside after taking them out from the boiled water.
4. Cook the rice in a pot (tips: Don't worry too much about the water level, you can always add water when it runs out of water).
5. When the rice is boiled (I mean the water) then put the chicken into the pot to cook with the rice.
6. Cook the rice till it's cooked and soft (depends on how you like your porridge to be, some people like it really soft while some people prefer less soft).
7. Put the salted eggs and thousand year eggs into the porridge and cook. Stir it. (Tips: you can cook the eggs with the porridge longer for richer taste of the eggs)
8. Take the chicken out from the pot and slice them (Tips: use 2 forks to slice them) and then stir in the chicken slices into the porridge.
9. You can add some salt and MSG (optional) depending on how salty you would like it to be.
10. It's ready to be served!!!
11. Serve it while it's hot. (Eating tips: Add some sesame oil and white pepper to the porridge. You can also add shallots or fried red onions. This is optional step if you don't like it.)  

I hope you like it =D

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