Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sweet >.<

Yea, I know I am so busy that didn't even left any footstep here!
AND science assignment due tomorrow...

I really want to jot down what had happened today! haha!
Today is considered to be my happy day (since been busy doing assignment and this is just reduced my tension)!

All right, Tanya told me yesterday that she will not going for the morning lectures (poor her, need to hunt for house).
I went through the morning's lectures all alone, super sleepy!
Was thinking of not having any lunch der but really don't wanna waste that 1 hour break. Haha.
Called Charlene and asked whether she's having lunch in uni or dorm.
Surprisingly, she said makan in uni.
Ok, we met up!
Really THANK YOU to Charlene, haha!
Want to know the reason?
Yea, if she said she wanted to have lunch in dorm then I won't see him....

Some people know who 'he' is. Haha.
Yea, our (me and Charlene) seats was so strategic! I chose it ok!
I just saw him walked in with his friends.
I finally showed Charlene. I htought she would have seen him before but surprisingly, she didn't.
OMG, he is so CUTE! PInk T-shirt again. He is just too suit with PINK!
OMG, he just sat at the place in front of my vision.
Before going for the next lecture, Charlene said to me 'your eyes didn't blink at all ar! no no, is turning 360 degree!' (know what she meant? haha!)
Yea, I admitted that I couldn't take my eyes off him! Everybody likes to see 'leng zai', so looking at 'leng zai' is legal ho!

Tanya joined me after the lecture finished. She said she was thinking of givinng me surprise by showing herself in the lecture hall before I came out from the lecture hall.
Nah nah, no surprise! By the time she showed herself in the lecture hall, everyone had gone (lecture finished earlier) and I was in the library by the time.
So I was in the library!
Guess what?
'Leng zai' was sitting at the place next to the computers with his friends!
OMG, so lucky!
Tanya sent me a msg asking me where was I? Of course I told her I was in the library.
I was about to leave, 'leng zai' also left his friends. I wondered where was he going?
So ngam, Tanya was coming up and yes, I finally showed her my 'leng zai'! Haha!

We then went to Macquarie centre since we got 2 hours break.
Phone rang.... Was Charlene.
'Hi, 'dim ar' ?' I asked.
'Mandy, I saw the guy you admired!' said Charlene.
'Ya meh? Where?'
'In ERIC! You know the computer room you used for last sem's STAT170? That room! I think he is tutor! I go in and see ar!'
'Really!? I should take STAT170 this sem! Haha!'
'OKla, I go and see la!'
'Ok, bye!'
OMG, our crazy conversations! I told Tanya about it.
So funny, I showed Charlene today then she found he is one of the student tutor.

Tanya and I passed by ERIC (we need to go to tutorial class and will definitely passed by ERIC from macquarie centre to our class).
Just a glance....
I saw him from the doorway. I told Tanya and he passed by again! This time he saw us! OMG!
Really raise my adrenaline level everytime I see him!
I really crazy!

I found today is really a happy day for me after all the stresses from assignments!
He is such a good stress mediator for me! Haha!

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