Thursday, May 28, 2009

A day with presentation preparation...

Good afternoon everyone! Blog when I'm having a short break from presentation preparation o_o
Let's have a look how hardworking I am!
Did I ever mentioned that I used to do works on my bed? Yea, nothing's wrong with your eyes...ON MY BED! Haha.
I admit that I'm not a very hardworking person. Honestly, I can't sit at my study table for a long period...30minutes the most I think...I like to lie on my stomach on my bed and I used to read and do works like that! I just found too hard to stick my butt on the chair for hours...that kills me ok! And I'm very old...I feel back pain when I sit too long on the chair... =.="

Yea, this is how my bed looks like when I'm doing assignments and studying...This is considered very tidy already! Sometimes I have books spread everywhere on my bed and floor... o_O

The weather is not very good these few weeks...Have to drink more water! Just finished my peer teaching...Have to drink something that protects my
Made myself a lemon honey (this is very effective if you have sore throat)!

Using my favourite and only mug...Haha!

Lemon 'swims' in my honey=> LEMON HONEY!!!

My satisfied look after drinking my very special LEMON HONEY!!! Haha!

I feel so fresh after the break and drinking my lemon honey (even though it was just a very short break, like 15 minutes...).
So people, DON'T BE SO STRESS UP! Take a short break and make yourself a nice drink when you get so tired from studying or doing assignment! It really works!


cLowN said...

new brand lemon tea spokeswomen... hahaha...

Mandy said...

Wakakaka! Yea! Mandy's Original Lemon Honey! lol

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