Saturday, May 23, 2009

Somewhere in outer space...i mean my mind!

OMG! I am supposed to be writing my assignment now! But see, what the hell I'm doing now!!!
Come on! I'm so enough with the assignments!!! Am now looking out the stars again...that's why i said I HATE RAINY DAY!!!!!!Bring my starry night back please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait a minute...Why I like starry night so deadly?
Hmm...why ar? Anyone has any idea why I like starry night? I myself also don't know wor. Wakakaka! I guess it looks romantic with stars (most of the girls like romantic moonlight with stars everywhere, i reckon)!
A song just came into my mind suddenly...about stars and romance...chris may knows that if he still remember! Haha! (chris, don't try too hard to recall it! i know you are heartless...) Hmm...I still prefer la! Starry starry night, paint your palette blue and grey, look out on a summer's day..............
Anyway, just try to get all the assignments stuff out of my head at this moment and before I get to the bed!
I had even drawn a picture *faint*

YES I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DOING MY ASSIGNMENT! BUT SEE WHAT I DID!!! If I can submit my drawings instead of those bloody annoying assignments.... That will be EXTREMELY GREAT then!!!!!!!! *bang head towards the wall* (still too early for dream!)


cLowN said...

wei wei wei....
i saw what u wrote wor...
got few songs leh...
i really not sure which song u mention that.
but i think is guardian angel..
is it correct? haha..
if wrong then i admit that i really heartless... hahahaha!

Mandy said...

U really heartless the lo! This song is nothing to do with Guardian Angel! I said it's something to do with STARS ler!!!!!!!!! haha!
Nvm, I know u tried! lol

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