Saturday, June 18, 2011

Birthday lunch @ Eastwood Korean BBQ

It's my birthday! I'm happy not because of getting another year older... because I had my loved ones celebrating it with me. Not big celebration, a simple lunch with cake really made my day ❤
Really surprised when I saw Tanya and HD after I entered the restaurant (cause I went to buy groceries and planned lunch with Ai Vee at Eastwood, supposed to be only two of us having lunch). So they planned it! Sunny joined us later...

Had lunch at Eastwood Korean Restaurant (味樂)...

Delicious side dishes.
Really ❤ Korean side dishes!!!

Seafood pancake.

Seafood Hotpot.

Chili octopus.

The really giant octopus from the seafood hotpot.
Tanya had to cut it into a few small pieces to eat haha!
So this photo said "awesome giant alient octopus" lol

We actually had another kimchi tofu soup but I didn't manage to take a photo. It was yummy too!
And when Tanya came out from the washroom, the waitress brought the cake out. It's funny if you want to link this up and make fun with it. Cause HD and Sunny did! Haha~

Tadah~ Fruit cake from dear friends.
Yummy cake from Tai Baan bakery, Eastwood.

Cutting the cake with Ai Vee's weird face lol

Sunny looks like a baby and HD, daddy to feed the baby =P

And my favourite friend as always ❤

Thanks guys for everything. I'm happy to have you guys celebrating my final birthday in Sydney ❤

Also, I received a present from my very best friend later at night. Not like I received super expensive or branded present. Something just made me so touched and my tears actually fallen from my eyes. I think this is the best present I have got.Thank you so much and I really appreciate it ❤

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