Sunday, June 19, 2011

How? Yea, how?

Re-falling in love with this song. Listen over and over again. Such a nice song! Share here with you guys, hope you like it ❤

The lyrics... Penny Tai 戴佩妮- 怎样

我这里天快要黑了 那里呢             

The day is getting dark here   what about there?   

我这里天气凉凉的 那里呢               
The weather is cool here   what about there?

我这里一切都变了 我变的懂事了         
Everything has changed here   I have become more sensible

我又开始写日记了 而那你呢
I have begun to write diary again   what about you?
我这里天快要亮了 那里呢
The day is getting bright here   what about there?

我这里天气很炎热 那里呢
The weather is hot here   what about there?

我这里一切都变了 我变的不哭了
Everything has changed here   I am not crying anymore
我把照片也收起了 而那你呢
I have kept all the photos away   what about you?
How will it be if we are still together now?

Are we still deeply in love with each other?

Like we just got together
Holding our hands til breaking dawn
How will it be if we are still together now?

Are we still hiding something from each other?

Like the time we ended up

I know you did nothing wrong

But still asking for my forgiveness

I will not forgive

How am I going to forgive?

Sorry that the video is not the real MV, it's just some fan-made video. Anyway, you are only to listen the song not watching the video =D

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