Tuesday, April 28, 2009


It's been long that since my last post about you...
And maybe this entry will be the very last entry about you...
I told myself you are not worth enough for me to wait and think about...
My life had been so complicated ever since I met you one and a half years ago...
My emotions were tied strongly to your presence...I was so happy when I saw you somewhere in
the uni...Even a very tiny action of yours attracted me...I felt so uneasy when I couldn't see you...
Thought I was crazy...Indeed, I was so crazy about you...
You broke my heart but I was still going on with my feeling for you...
Without wishing for anything in return... I really thought I could like you with regretless...
I realized that I was wrong...
I found myself couldn't like you without payback...I found myself couldn't like you when you would never like me back... I found how silly I was when I knew you were not mine but hers... You would never be mine...
I told myself heaps of times...He has a girlfriend...He would never like me...
Saw him holding her hand...so many times... I thought I will be happy seeing you happy too...
But at last I was not that noble as I thought...
I can't like one when he will never likes me... I can't like one when I can only see him from far... I can't like one when I know nothing at all about him...
I think I was just hypnotized....

Bye bye... After one and a half year...I decided to move on...
I had been too silly waiting for you... I had been watching at you silently... I had been liking you secretly...
Honestly, I liked you...You were the first who gave me this feeling after years of my last relationship...
Since you are not meant to be mine...please don't ever let me see you again...I gotta move on...
Hope you live happily ever after and good luck for your future undertakings...
Goodbye, my love....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Where have you gone...

I feel so pain deep inside my heart...
It's not the pain when you cut your finger or when you broke up with your lover...
This pain is invisible...it comes when it likes without any symptoms...
Once it's here, it doesn't simply go away... It will stay very very very long that I can't even breath...
It always hurt when I think of you...

I know I should not think about it anymore but I just can't help...
You always appear in front of me...
I could not help myself to stop thinking of that...I just can't...
Everytime when I think of you...I saw the scene...I wonder how did you feel at the moment...I saw a bloody you...I saw you lying there and moving at all...until now I will never see you...
I asked myself over and over again...Just where have you gone?
Why aren't you coming back anymore? Why did that happened to you, to us?

I wish to go back to the moment that you were around...
I wish that you are still here...
I pleaded God again and again....
I want you to come back at any price...I'm willing to pay for it...Even my life...
I didn't love you enough when you were here...What can I do except for regret...But regret can't change the fact...I knew that...
I just didn't get the chance to tell you that I Love You So Much...Maybe my love is not that great as your love for us...But I really did love you...
After I lost you, only I realize how much I loved you....
Although you have now changed to another form, I know you will always look at us as you did before...
And I know we will always love you no matter where you are or what you are...

I'm just miss you so badly....

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Party Party Party!!!

WOW~ It's been lots of fun on Friday Night! I guess Tanya is still having the party mood (I definitely still have the mood! Wakakaka!)...
We went to the ECFS Playboy Mansion Party which was really really really fantastic! I didn't meant to offend anyone but honestly it was so much better and class than the MSA Dance Party I went last year. Why I said so? Hmm, well. This ECFS party was actually more like a drinking party with a little dance and definitely not those noisy with everyone ended up drunk and vomit everywhere (which MSA party was like that...)!
Ok, stop freaking out with the name of the party. It was not those "x-rated" party, only that it came with people with bunny ears and sexy outfits =>

We started dressing up one and a half hours before... And honestly we were rushed like hell...when Darryl called Tanya that we were to take the train from MQ on 6.30pm! What the hell! We were like half way dressing up and Darryl actually said that he could dressed up in 10 minutes! *shakes head* Guys always like that!
Ok well, we (Darryl, Tanya and I) were then rushed to the uni to catch up with Sunny. Seriously, I thought I was participating THE AMAZING RACE instead of the PLAYBOY MANSION PARTY!!!!!!!!! The only thing different from the amazing race was that WE WERE WEARING HEELS THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!!! Just imagine how we looked like that moment! And our heels kept stucking in the soil (yea, we ran on the grassland!). Stupid Darryl and Sunny! They just kept flying to the station!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND THEN WE FOUND THAT THE TRAIN WAS ACTUALLY DEPARTING ON 6.35PM!!!!!!! What!? Why were we running like hell!?

This is how we looked like after one hour dressing up...How?

Finally, we were in the train... The "running" nightmare finally ended...

Me & Tanya

The boys - Sunny & Darryl

Our destination was Favela, King Cross. It took around an hour there...By the way, it was really a long journey... we actually need to drop at Chatswood then from Chatswood to Central then from Central to King Cross! Just imagine how much time we spent on waiting for the trains....

Ok, finally we got to King Cross. Sunny felt hungry so we just stopped at McD and the two guys grabbed something to eat...Never belanja us oso!
And poor Darryl was looking for a toilet from Chatswood to Favela...pity him la!

Darryl was queueing up to buy the food. See what Sunny doing here! Posing for photo pula!

See how black was Darryl's face...Now you know how much he needed the loo!

Darryl: Sunny, stop posing! Faster eat! I need to go to the loo!!!!!

Finally...Favela!!!!!!! It was kinda small place but the atmosphere was great and comfy!
Met some funky people and abang from Malaysia! Haha! We went out with the abang for a while...we were then told the bar had closed and no more free drinks! Arrghhh..........We didn't know that was free!!!!!!!! If we knew that, we would not follow abang!!!!! Damn it, we just managed to have 1 Lime Vodka!!!!!!!!!! And Tanya pissed off after that.....haha! She didn't get to get more free Vodka already so geram ler, somemore she had to buy our Augustus white wine (she knocked Augustus's white wine and Augustus said he ONLY drinks white wine)! Anyway, Augustus is kinda funny guy!

Cool photos taken by some prof photographer....Cool har!

Me, Shaun (abang malaysia), Tanya & Augustus (the white wine guy)

OMG! Our faces looked so red!

Goodness, I think we were 'drunk'! Haha!

Everyone, put your hands up! Haha!
From left: Sunny, Darryl, Tanya & HD
See, HD so sexy ler! Must teach Sunny and Darryl how to dance sexily ler! lol

It was awesome overall! The last two photos of the day... In the bus on the way back home...

Wait a minute! Where's Sunny? We went four together but came back only three? Ooooo...Sunny ar! Went for the next round party at Darling Harbour! He was so geng! We were tired like... yet he could still partying! Geng! Haha!

*There are more photos in Facebook*

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Don't go back....

sob... Amanda went back to Perth ler....
Honestly, I felt so secure and calm with her this whole week...Really thank her for coming to Sydney and accompanying me...
I know how everyone thinks, especially Amanda since she is not that far from where I am compared to all the others in Malaysia...I know everyone worry about me...But anyhow I'll be okay!

Hmm, well. Today was the last day of Amanda's visit. I brought her to the University of Sydney! I know some people will say "what!? to uni?". Nah...nah...Since you are in Sydney already, you must go to the Sydney U! That's Sydney's symbol too o!

Oh well, we didn't actually went into the Paddy Market cause we short of time ler. So just took a few photos as remembrance... What a pity...

You are now walking on the path of the Syd U, did you feel like you are a student of Syd U? lol

Amanda said I seemed like to enjoy so much! Playing and jumping everywhere, just like a little child! haha!

Haha! I know I posed alot! Like promoting Syd U har! I don't care la! Syd U have to pay me advertising fee!

Happy moment flew especially fast... It's time to say goodbye...
Seriously, this is the first time I been to domestic airport lo! (Honestly, it is not a nice one! very 'cin cai' lo...)
Even though I was so can't bear to let you go...I have to say bye bye...sob sob...
Anyway, Thank You So Much For Accompanying Me...

Last photo of the day was taken in the domestic airport...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter show~

First time going to Easter show!Haha! Already so crowded when we got there and seriously, that was really really really large! haha! Hmm, well. i think we ate alot la! And we got the chance to see animals! *sweat* Honestly, I thought I went to the wrong place...We were supposed to go to the Easter show! Haha! Anyway, there were cute animals la! Me and Amanda also had a "tour back to ??? century" (you'll know what i meant when you see the photos)!

That's the entrance! See! People looked like ants! Lots of ants ler.....

Just look at the signboard! That's what they selling! After you eat them, you'll also twisting everywhere! lol

Wow! Tanya so Couldn't wait to eat them!

Oh my goodness! The goat is so cutieeeeeeeee!

Look at the camera! Not bad ar, so smart!

Guess what's this creature? Look at the twisted tail... "zhu ba gai"...lol

Amanda, don't like that! It won't bite you la! *she kept asking me to take the photo faster*

Look at the animal! Like it was saying "What this girl doing har! I didn't give you any permission to take photo with me hor! Go away!". haha.

Amanda said I looked like that Mr Spot cuz I wore the same colours as he did! *sweat*

This is the world's funniest advertisement! Look at our faces! Damn stupid man! I guess nobody will buy the food after seeing this ads...-.-"

Gorgeous ler! Back to xxx century ler!

Wow! This ice-cream really "verry berry delicious" ler! There's even strawberries in the cones! Shiok ler!

Overall, it was quite fun la! *my leg gonna break*

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