Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy shopping vs Knowing Cute Guy!!!

Yohoo~ Back again!
Went shopping yesterday and got something nice for myself!
Well, not just feel like buying... I really need them! Haha!
I so wanna get myself a shoe...
All my shoes had torn out...Well, when I buy new shoe means my shoes really cannot be wore anymore! You know...When raining, your shoes flooded inside...That feeling is just too....YUCKY!
Finally, I got this which attracted me at the first glance!

Black...I like it! With 1/2 inches of heels i think. I can't walk with higher one...Haha!

And...... I got myself a LV handbag! Wow! I wanted to get this for so long! Haha!


Hohoho...I've been so crazy watching Korean drama these few days! I know it's not a very new drama but still consider quite new (what am i talking about???)... Anyway, it's the korean version of "Hana Yori Dango"- The Korean Flower Four!
At first... quite resistance to this drama (I thought it was just the same as the Taiwan and Japan version, don't like to repeat watching the same story...) but I found this drama is actually sooooo different from the other two. There are more storyline and really quite different to the original story (they add many stories into it)!
And I really so so sooooo attracted to Yoon Ji Hoo (real name: Kim Hyun Joong)! He is so cute!!! Goodness! I just can't resist this type of guy! He is my cup of HOT CHOCOLATE! Hahaha!

This is how he looks in the drama...

Playing violin... So cool!!!

His smile is really a bomb! *melting*

He is actually a singer from a boyband =>SS501. He is the leader of the band. Tell you what, he is the choreographer of his band! He dances just too terrific!

Well, he is not just good-looking! He can play guitar and piano!

OMG! Isn't he just too great? My new DREAM GUY! Haha!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


So you think you are the only one who cares!
We are the closest people to him, we care!
So please don't say that we don't care at all!
We care alot! But what can we do?
Already happened means already happened, we can't change it!
So I hope you understand...
And please try to think of our feelings.
We don't wanna our mum to get hurt anymore...
We regard you as our senior so we respect you.
So please respect yourself and don't ruin your image in our heart!
We really don't wanna hate you!
And please please please stop maligning my mum for "not being caring"!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Long story~

Loha~ Sorry for the late update... Finally got time to really sit down and typing my blog (as I am very busy with my baby brother, haha)...
I think this post is gonna be a long one (2 in 1 post)! Just checked my facebook and found that Tanya had uploaded the photos of our makan event on the day when we finished our exam!
They are so cool~
Gonna blog about our makan-makan first! Well, we went to city for sure (as there are more cool and lovely makan places in city)! It actually took us very long to decide what we wanted to eat... We decided Japanese cuisine eventually. So Tanya recommended a nice Japanese restaurant-Sushi Tei. She said it's Singapore sushi restaurant and asked me whether I heard of it before. (........*sweat*.......I never knew that there is a Japanese Restaurant called Sushi Tei in Singapore) Well, can't blame me...I'm just staying near to Singapore (JB...not very near actually...). Whatever! I crap too much!
This Sushi Tei is so cool! It was fully booked when we got there so we could only sit by the bar. Hmm...actually, it doesn't really look like typical Japanese restaurant. It has been westernised (well of course, Australia is western country)!

The bar... People making sushi and prepare some easy entree here.

This is why I said it has been westernised! It actually looks like a high class restaurant with red wine on every table (though it's the convention of the Western people to have a bottle of red wine when they have their dinner or I mean any meal)

Our entree... Tofu! I like this, so freshy!!!

Tanya's rolls...They looked so nice! Well I believe they really were nice!

Left: something crab sushi (can't remember the name). It's Tanya's.
Right: My something something sushi (can't remember the name as well). It has egg, cucumber and pickle in it (I was still eating vege).

Yum~ My potato salad tempura. This was really great!
Soft filling with crispy coat.

The Jade Princess. Why jade? Look at the colour! It's green!

The Blushing Geishas. So red! Yea, don't be shy darling! lol

*We got new nicknames after this dinner...Guess what are they? No rewards if you got the correct answer, Haha! It is just too obvious!*

Cheers myself!

Feel so good after the dinner! Look at our happy faces then you will probably know how great was the food :D

Great! Finished dinner! What's next? .......Of course our DESSERT!!! heehee. I felt like Max Brenner again! I believe I had fallen in love with Max so deeply!!! Wakakakaka! You'll know who is Max later...

The menu... too many to choose! What to eat ler?

There are more by the cashier. Look at the croissant..."lying" so nicely and waiting for its new owner. lol

Eih? Is this the chocolate factory? I guess so...

Max said "Chocolate Is Good For You"! So....EAT MORE CHOCOLATE!!!

We decided to get this nice and sweet dessert! Fondue for two...not too full. We had dark chocolate, milk chocolate, banana bread, marshmallow, strawberry and banana! Gee, the dark chocolate was really a bomb! ;D

My cookieshake =>white chocolate, cookies and caramelised pecan

It was "seducing" me to drink it! Couldn't control myself anymore~ Come on baby!

Know who is this? *clap clap clap* Correct! He is my lover, Max! Haha!
He looks so cool hah!

Dip a strawberry in milk chocolate...
And Then...

Open your mouth and EAT IT! Be careful, don't ever let any chocolate to drop down...Don't waste it!

Not enough...See! We finished everything already but still dipping the chocolate....I said don't waste it!

Yea, look at me! Don't ever waste the chocolate! I can actually drink it if it was not that concentrated. Well, I can still lick it with my finger! lol

The end product....Yum yum~
Yummy~ Now I could go home already! Haha!


Ok back in home! I am so busy everyday with my baby brother! Tell you what, he is so hyper active and will never sit still!
But....Look at the photos! How come he sit still? What makes him sit so still and really concentrating? Guess!

He's holding his toes but still very concentrate with something... Just what is that?

Wow! Eating his fingers...Maybe he is watching at some nice food?

Don't know what the answer is? Surrender?
Ok! I'll tell you! Don't faint!
He is actually listening and watching to Hokkien songs! haha!
Can't believe? Yes, I couldn't believe until I saw him really sit still and concentrate when mom playing the hokkien song CD! Old baby....(nope! Tanya said he got taste!)


I was so busy in the morning but you will laugh me for sure for being busy with this!
Tell you what I busy with.....
I was..........
Peeling the rambutan's skin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on, they are so black already! Gonna rotten soon! Have to peel them and get the flesh put in the containers and keep them in the fridge!

See! They are lots cannot be eaten anymore! What a waste!

Anyway...These are some "survivals"! Congratulations! lol

Ok! This is it for this post! Ciao~ come back soon!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Home sweet home~

Yohoo~ Back in Malaysia~
Everything seems great! Warm and lovely sunshine despite the very bad and hazy air...Anyway, It's great to be home! Love to see my cutie baby, he is just so cute! I would say I'm currently babysit him...He is just too HYPER that making me so tired (i mean my mom is the most tired one :P)
Yesterday was the Father's Day. Went out for dinner. I've been waiting for this nice food sooooo long (my sis's bf promised to treat me this nice thing but I waited for more than 1 year! *sweat*).

Tadah~ Very famous BBQ chicken in JB! First time trying it is like........AWESOME! Dip it with the chili sauce......FANTASTIC! The chili sauce is spicy enough! Eating them making me feel so HOT! lol

Look at the colour! Just good not too 'pale' and 'dark'! Haha!


Sorry for the late update.... I'll try to keep my blog update! Ciao~

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I'm so excited now! Well, exam is in 2 days...I can't wait!
There's actually another thing making me so excited! He's making me excited...Adrenaline level raises to the highest and heartbeat to the fastest...
Yes, he is absolutely my super gorgeous...
I guess all 'honey' have been long for it! But worth waiting I bet! Excuse me, what they are actually waiting for? Heehee...let me tell you la!
*drum drum* It's Lam Fung's first concert! When? It's tomorrow and Thursday(17th June & 18th June), 8.15pm!

Poster of Lam Fung's concert ===> Let's Get Wet

Lam Fung is undoubtedly a very potential singer! He just began his singing career 2 years ago and see what happens now? He's actually has his first concert in HONG KONG COLISEUM! This is really great honor for a new singer! Some singers don't even have the chance to sing in Hong Kong Coliseum! OMG, I really wish I can attend the concert! Too bad...I have exam on 18th... If the concert is on 20th, I will definitely fly to Hong Kong!!!!!!!!
I heard that this concert will have lotz of surprises! Firstly, the theme of the concert is water so the producer is actually 'moving' swimming pool to the stage. Since the theme is 'Let's Get Wet', of course they will play water la! Just imagine everyone in the concert is so excited and 'wet' Lam Fung...SO SEXY!!!!!!!! *drooling* Haha!

See! He looks so sexy on the poster already! I really can't imagine how the scene will be!
Must be super sexy la!

Other surprises like Lam Fung will shows his multi talents eg. dancing! And his brand new CD will also be sold after the concert, with nice photo album and bonus MV DVD! Argh~~~~I want it too! So sad, can't get to attend the concert...It's on my birthday as well! If I can go...that will be the BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT ever! But too bad...EXAM!!!!!!!!! *sob sob*

Nevermind la...Even though I can't attend the concert...I wish Lam Fung a fantastic and successful first concert (that's my birthday wish, haha)!

Can't wait for the news about this concert! Sorry la, can't attend ma so read newspaper la!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Just slack!

Hmm...I know I'm supposed to study now...Let me just slack for a few
Been studying for so many days...nearly have no mood to continue *sigh*
Today is such a good day compared to few days ago...great sunshine and average temperature (not cold is more than enough for me).

*drumming* Excuse me...It's my stomach...haha.
Studied for time to make lunch oso BUT fortunately, I got afternoon tea prepared by my landlady! She is a nice person; always make me food! She said she was so sorry that they (her child and others) were so noisy that disturbing me. At least she realized that...haha. Anyway, thanks for the afternoon tea.

I'm not sure what muffin is that. Just muffin la har! And a cup of hot milk with lotz of froth (I love it!). Look great on my study table (mickey mouse...cute isn't it?).

*eat eat* Looking out from my room... What a nice day!

Everything seems calm and warm...

How blue is the sky! Look at that! The cloud looked like a fine gauze! A great contrast with the blue sky! nice~ man's world in the seventh heaven! =>

Great! Enough slacking! Gotta continue with my revision again!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Argh!!!!!!!!! Couldn't sleep again!!!!!!!!! Just what's the problem with me??? Am I just too tension or there's other unknown reason? Come on, it's driving me crazy!!! I'm now even stresser than I study for exam!!! Can you imagine? You are really soooooo tired but you can't sleep. And you are still awake while others are sleeping like a log! I don't request for long sleep...I JUST NEED A SHORT AND SWEET NAP!
I really can't imagine if I still can't sleep tonight...How am I gonna be...
I am extremely tired and fretful and yet I still need to study...hopefully you guys don't make too much unwanted noise...or I will eat people! I mean it! Seriously, I don't like to be hostile and aggressive so please give me a quiet and nice atmosphere to study ok?


Just wanna add something in this post...this part was actually supposed to be in yesterday bodyjam post... anyway...
It was just some photos of afternoon tea (again) with Tanya before bodyjam. Well, there's no other place to go (i mean near uni) so we went to T2, Macqaurie Centre AGAIN! But we tried something else la ok!
Were actually feeling like cold drinks was too cold we thought hot drinks might be brilliant choice...BUT.........................

This is my Moroccan Mint Tea...
Ingredients: Fresh mint, lemon rind & cloves

Look at that! So many mint leaves in there...Don't expect me to eat them (I don't think people will eat though. haha)!

Ok, try the taste first! Smells nice...
...............YUCKS............. Why no taste geh? Like plain water! I'm sure I have no eye problem ar, I saw there's lemon in the tea but where are the lemon taste?

Tanya's Black Velvet...
Ingredients: Really Russian Caravan tea, cocoa & milk
Tanya said whatever it is, I'm gonna try this!

*stir stir drink drink*
*looked at me with weird expression* So weird the taste, she said.
I tried a sip...*vomit* that was really weird!
We should stick to the cold drinks!!!!!!!!! *sigh*

Wait a minute! Are we supposed to put the cube sugars in our drinks?
Ah har! I think yes! *put put stir stir sip sip* That's it! Much more better (at least mine was much much much more better)! Still, Tanya showed me a weird expression...I think there's different with mine, she said. Ok, Black Velvet is OUT for our next afternoon tea list (will never show up again i mean)!

Mango Coconut Cake....

SOooooOoo Nice~ Yum yum~ At least we had something nice in the whole afternoon tea, not just paying for yuckky things ok!
Tanya said the spoon were so cutiee...haha!


Ok enough crapping! Study! So glad that it's 320 that I'm studying now NOT 214... Forgive me, I just can't force myself to fall in love with literacy! Haha!

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