Sunday, June 29, 2008

Last friends

I'm so addicted in watching japanese drama recently! Am currently watching LAST FRIENDS and just finished watching it.
This drama is really quite nice! Is actually reflect the fact and reality in the our real life (especially domestic violence). Of course 1 of the reason I watched this drama was because of Nishikido Ryo la (I'll always watch dramas or movies which have someone i like and also with 'leng zai' and 'leng lui' la! This is what i called-the vision enjoyment. Haha!) !Anyway...

As I know and my opinion, someone who abuse is normally or was actually the victim of abusion. These victims live in the 'shadow' of the abusion and are unable to escape from it. This eventually leads to mental problem in the victims. They will keep reflashing the moment of them being abused and consequently evoke their inner hatred and mentally imbalanced. They shift this hatred to another person even though the person was not the one abused them. This person may be their family members, their lovers or others who are not related to them. I would say they do not intend to hurt them, it was their mind controlling them to do so and abuse someone else to release their hatred. I'm quite pity on these abusers, they were first the victims and feel the pain; later on they abuse others and others become the victims as well. No one will ever know this maybe leads to the circulation of the abusion in the society and will never end...

I'm not that capable or even unable to avoid these incidents to happen but somehow I really did feel something inside my heart and am really really wish to do something...

The abuser in the drama (Nishikido Ryo) died at the end. He was so guilty about what he did to his girlfriend. He knew that he will never set his girlfriend free as long as he is alive; he killed himself as to redeem his girlfriend's freedom. I knew he loves his girlfriend so much but he did not really expressed well...

The theme song of the drama is so fit lo (if you read the translation lyrics, you will know that)! "Prisoner of Love" by Hikaru Utada (for those who do not know who is she, she is the one who sang the "First Love"). Her voice is really AWESOME!

I really would love to recommend this drama to everyone!
Rate: 4.5/5

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Back in Malaysia and A380 is AWESOME!

I'm back in M'sia! So familiar and yet so strange for me too. It has been 4 months i think since i left M'sia to Sydney. Haha!
Anyway, it is really super freaking hot lo!Burning man!

Yea, i got a chance to take A380 from Sydney back to S'pore!
It is really cool! Sadly, i didn't take a photo but anyway I'll take A380 as well when going back to Sydney!
The seats and the facilities are really cool and awesome!
The seats are quite spacious, normally the other plane has 10 seats in a roll; A380 has only 9 seats in a roll so is less packed!
I didn't get the chance the see the upper deck which is the suite but anyway i can imagine lo (cause the business and first class seats are already great)!
The seat also quite comfortable to sit on, really nice!

Haha! I'm back! I'm back!
Nice foods... I'm coming!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My inner secret...

HUSH....Lower down your voice....
I've never tell anyone before abou this (yea, i think so i never tell anyone! but of course, my family knew it; they led me to this anyway!)
I...I...I...I love watching world WRESTLING entertainment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is such a weird and very small proportions of girls watching and enjoy this program...(That's what i think). Anyhow, I'm still believe that there are many or maybe lots of female watching this program! Haha!
I started watching it two years ago i think, since my last relationship terminated.
I was not starting watching it with interest anyway, just to release my frustration by that time.
The first time I watch WWE was like "OMG! So violent!"
But you know, after watching it was really relax and yea I did release my frustration!
I would say WWE has a 'therapeutic' function!
I mean it! It is really work for me! Everytime after watching it is like "WOW, so excited! Terrific!"
My very first admired wrestler was Jeff Hardy or common as 'rainbow-haired warrior'! His hair is really COLOURFUL lo!

Yea, this is it! The Rainbow-Haired Warrior!

If anyone watching WWE, they should know there are lots of sexy bum (the female wrestlers-Divas)! And yea, they are too sexy to look at! They don't really wrestle, most of them are just posing, singing, shaking etc.

These are some of them.

Now, I really like Batista, the animal so much! He is skillful and was the World Heavyweight Champion and of course will be the champ AGAIN (the current champ is sucks, REALLY!)!

The "dead one" is current champ. This is why I said Batista will regain his champ again!

Yea, anyway WWE is really quite nice program (it is violent though)!
Anyone who is EXTREMELY stress, I would recommend you this! And just imagine the lose one is your enemy or whoever you hated! It is really awesome imagining that way! Wakakaka!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Intro about NEWS

It's been long that I knew abot NEWS and posted their song in my blog but did not really intro about them. Well...
NEWS is a japanese boy band from Johnny & Associates.
The band made up of 6 members (it was 9 previously), they are Koyama Keiichiro (Koyama), Nishikido Ryo (Ryo-chan), Yamashita Tomohisa (YamaP), Masuda Takahisa (Massu), Kato Shigeaki (Shige), Tegoshi Yuya (Teshi) with Yamashita Tomohisa as the leader.
Hmm...Actually, i got to know this band because of Ryo-chan.
He was the 1 starred in the 1 litres of tears as Aso Haruto.
Didn't know he can sing actually...Haha!
Anyway, this is really a nice band!
They show very strong bond with one another, very cooperative!
I would recommend this band; they are not only handsome, they can sing and dance well, some of them even act well!
Very talented! Haha!

Front from left: Ryo-chan, YamaP, Shige
Back from left: Teshi, Massu, Koyama

Ryo-chan and YamaP. They are very close friends outside the band.

Ryo-chan and Koyama

Ryo-chan. I'm super addicted to his smile!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shopping Fun!

Today was WONDERFUL shopping day!
It’s been long time since my last “tour” to city…
Yea, I think 2 months gua…Hahaha!
I told Shir Shir I wanna eat Pepper Lunch for our lunch…
I insisted cause I got “recommendation” from a Japanese show…
And yea, the name Pepper Lunch sounds good and YUMMY!
We took very long time to look at the menu…Just wondered what to eat nia! Haha!
Not many choices and really didn’t know which 1 is nicer…
Headache meh!
Anyway, I ordered EEL meal set la!
Shir Shir ordered chicken & steak meal set!

Mine! Looked nice ler!

I forgot to take the picture of Shir Shir’s food…Paiseh!
All the meals there are actually serve with sizzling pan and we gotta mix the whole thing together before we eat!
It’s really OISHI!

After lunch ler, we shopped lo!
My targets: HIGH HEELS & BRA!
Shir Shir’s targets: DRESS & HIGH HEELS!
I found it’s really hard to find a dress!
Erm…actually there are lots of dresses but our budgets are like…
We went to COTTON ON and Shir Shir showed me the dress she told me the other day!
Wow! It’s transparent man! SEXY!!!!!!!!
I got myself three tops and we went to try!
OMG!!!!!!!!Shir SHir was sooooooo SEXY lo wearing that dress! So transparent (I can see through…Wakakaak) and HOR it’s black! Very seductive lo!
Anyway, Shir Shir ended up with empty hand and I got two tops!
WHAT!? Shir Shir should be the one buying clothes or whatever but… -_-"


Let’s continue shopping!
We didn’t really have any target shop; just enter whichever shop that has dress, high heels and bra!!!!!!!!
I was so fussy in picking high heels! "I don’t like too high heels, I will fall and I will sprain my legs…blah…blah…blah…"
Okay, I ended up with no high heels after so many shops! And Shir Shir finally got herself a pair of high heels (so kawaii!) and a dress from Supre (this is extremely kawaii)!
I really have had enough! I was so tired and yet I still couldn’t get nice and comfortable high heels!
So tiring ler!
Eh! There was a bra shop wo! Let’s get in and see!
Wow! That’s what I’m looking for! Let’s try it!
But…I had big problem!
What size should I take?
I know my size anyway!
Just that I never buy a bra in Australia before!
And yea, their sizes are…you know! (YOU SHOULD’VE KNOWN!!!!!)
Sweet! I got bra and I got mascara and nail polish from Missha, where Shir Shir got her high heels as well.

Too Hot to handle! Haha!

That's pink, the base coat and I love BLACK!

OKAY! I’m so done! Just where to get high heels!!!!!!!!!!!
“This shop seems quite cheap (the shoes are cheap, not the shop), let’s go in and see lo!”
Eh, this one looks good! I’ll try this! Hmm… which colour should I take ler? Just try both anyway!
Oh Gosh! It’s so nice!!!!!!!!!!
Perfect! I’ll take this! Done! Finally………

Whoa! Big bags…small bags… Don't worry, there are all "sales item" so I didn't over budget der!
Let’s see what we got!
My targets: HIGH HEELS & BRA…
SHir Shir’s targets: DRESS & HIGH HEELS…
Shir Shir’s products: DRESS, HIGH HEELS, NAIL POLISH…
Shops Hunt… SUCCEEDED!!!
I am super happy (and tired though)!

Monday, June 23, 2008


I'm FREE finally!
No more exams...No more studying...No more "PANDA"...
I'm super freaking HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's really sarcastic...
When I was exam-ing, feel like to finish up faster...
Now I already finished ler, but feel like SO relieved and is like...
Lost the direction or maybe I should say NO MORE GOAL!!!!!!!!
So annoying!
Anyway, LET'S CELEBRATE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!

Yea, actually we did eat good things today la!
We went to Mitzu, which is a japanese restaurant and mainly sushi are served...I think...
We were so funny...and actually we didn't eat much...
Maybe less varieties were available today (this was what Ah Char said...)
Anyway, it was fun!
Like we had really too good appetite that we didn't feel like to eat.......

Ah Char is going to Gold Coast tomorrow ler...(with her boy, of course!)
I think she is now busy packing her things gua...
So GOOD!!!!!!
And NOW, both Shir Shir and I are waiting for Thursday to come with lots of PATIENCE!!!!
We are going to watch THE PHANTOM OF OPERA on Thursday!!!!!!
We are really really excited and can't wait for that day!

It's really so good when you finished your exam and you have plenty of time to think about all these things!!!!!
I'm CRAZY man!
That's my FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Increased in Australian Dollar Currency & Economic condition in M’sia = me in poverty?

Should I say AUD rose or MYR dropped?
Anyway, either 1 will lead me to poverty… I mean it!
Let’s see…
If AUD rises or MYR drops…
Means that my dad needs to get more MYR to exchange into less amount of AUD???
The exchange rate from AUD to MYR is now 3.1 something ler…
Really expensive lor!!!!!!!
Really need to “pinch and screw” ler……
First sign of me will be living in poverty…….

Going back to M’sia and really concern about ECONOMIC in M’sia!!!!!!!
Everything is also…like… “hiking” in prices… (INFLATION!!!!!!!!)
Petrol price is the first thing I REALLY REALLY care about!!!!!!
It’s not like in Australia; I can walk here and there…
I really EXTREMELY dependent on car!!!!!!!
Since I really extremely dependent on car,
I will definitely need to refill the tank very often…
And then of course I will spend LOTS of money in the petrol expenses!!!!!!!!
And since I’m unemployed now…I’m poor…
AGAIN I need to get money from my dad!!!!!!!!!!

I’m so dependent on my family wherever I am!!!!!!!!!!
Another sign of me living in poverty………

Cham ler….
I really have no idea what is problem with M’sia’s economy exactly???????
After being defeated in the last election…everything changes…
I really should not comment much about the politics and economics…
Forget it…..
I’m just having too much of queries…….
Never encounter with this kind of situation before…
Yea, I’m just curious…..

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Super HUNGRY! (Grabbing a bread in my mouth...)
Actually I was thinking of sleeping until....... don't know when der......
The lil' girl in the house was soOOoooooo damn NOISY!!!!!!!
So I couldn't get to sleep anymore.......
So I woke up!!!!!!!!
What a miserable "nice cute sleeping" day!!!!!!!!
Oh man!
I really super hungry!!!!!!
Gotta make somehting to eat first!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Can't sleep.....

It's 1.10am........
My eyelids are dropping....obviously i'm SLEEPY!!!!!!!!!
BUT I CAN'T SLEEP!!!!!!!!!
My mind is freaking awake!!!!!!!!
Anyone please hypnotize me (maybe that's the only way of getting to sleep...-.-'')
DIE ler!!!!!!
Tomorrow must be look like a PANDA ler!
But anyway, I'm still CUTE panda, okay!!!!!!!!!!!
I think i'm a bit cracked ler....
What the hell am i talking about????????
Must get to sleep right now!!!!!!!!!
Or else, i'll keep CRAPPING along this post!
Don't care ler, must bury myself in the quilt and...

Can't wait......

Just added an event countdown...
2 DAYS... 2 DAYS... 2DAYS...
Really can't concentrate on the study ler!
I'm already so "HOLIDAY MOOD" ler!
Anyone please help me to study and do the exam for me la!
Last exam SOCIAL CONTEXT..............
Super DAMN BORING subject!!!!!!!
Faster la!
FASTER la!!!!!!
So moody~
Whatever la!
Really need to study ler!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Last exam on 23rd...


I really can't wait to finish the exam ler!

Why is it on next Monday???

Just wanna finish up and i'll really feel relieve (already holiday mood now! Wakaka!)

After finish exam, i'll have lotssss of activities waiting for me!!!!!!!!!!!Wakakakakakaka!!!!!!!


The Phantom of Opera...on 26th!!!

INSPIRING har!!!!!!!!!!

OMG I'm so excited!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to watch ler!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going HOME on 27th!!!

Looking forward for the newborn baby's coming!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

1st day of my 21st...

YES! I mean YES, TODAY is the FIRST day of my 21st!!!

Okay, well, I'm not very excited lo!

I'm very 'SAD' lo!

21st...What does this mean?

Meaning... I'm OLD already lo!

Yeah, I'm OLD ler...

Haiyo, Char Char and Shir Shir la!

Keep reminding me "when my lil' bro 21years old, i already 42 years old"!!!

Yalo, by the time I'm an AUNTIE already!!!

Both of u dun laugh!!!

By the time I'm an AUNTIE, both of u also AUNTIE ler!!!!!!!!

So never mind la!!!!!!!

Together we become AUNTIE lo!!!!!



Happy Birthday to ME...

HAppy Birthday to ME...

Happy Birthday to ME..............

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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