Sunday, November 29, 2009

After exam celebration

I've been so long for the Kam Fook's egg tart! Finally, exam over! It's shopping, eating and party time!
Took some nice photos during yum cha... I found myself have the talent in photographing! lol

Cup of tea...
I really like this photo! The reflection and angle are just nice!
Isn't this nice?

Char Siew Pao...
Tell you what! This pao is really nice! I miss this taste... (had this taste few years ago in Hong Kong)

Crispy Prawn Roll with sweet n sour sauce...
Well, the taste is good but not very crispy ad... I don't actually like that sauce... very weird combination...

Fried carrot cake...
Whoah! This is sooooooo great!

Well of course! My beloved is always the egg tart~

Toufu Fa...
The toufu fa is quite different from Malaysia one...
I think they put some ginger when cooking the syrup... Very nice!

Billy urged Tanya to try the duck's feet! Very funny... cause Billy always ask Tanya to eat feet!!! Hahaha!

Tanya's first attempt of eating duck's feet...
She seemed enjoying though =)

Ok, very full! Must walk around to expend the fats we just taken in...
Look at the bags in our arms... Understood la! We bought many things! Shopping is really ladies' nature la lol!

We are future early childhood teachers ler~ So, must be very concern about children's stuff la!
There were some kind of information from the unicef...

Time flies... It's dinner time! Sorry la! I know we ate alot!!!
Tanya brought me to a very nice Ramen bar ---> Menya Ramen Bar!

This is the bar~ The bar is actually quite small but people already queue up before the operation hours!

Tanya's Menya Shoyu Ramen with a Prawn Tempura...

My Arakage Shoyu Ramen (sorry if it is wrong, couldn't remember the name very well) but it's deep fried chicken soy sauce ramen...

I like the "spoon"! Even though my mouth is not that big...

Tanya already 'su su seng' lor~

There's always street performers at Darling Harbour... Look at this one... Standing so high!

But look at the crowds then you know people like his performance!

The crowds watching performance there, what about these crowds??? What are they waiting for?

Wah! Don't tell me the legend about christmas is true (there are always spirits when before and during christmas).
What is this spirit then? Snow spirit? Maybe...

The place getting crowded and more crowded!

Ooooooo........ So everyone is waiting for this!
It's pre-christmas celebration at darling Harbour!

B1 and B2 also came ar! No wonder children were so excited la!

This group is so cute!

Some cute children performers~

Santa is finally here! We waited for so long!!!

It's the christmas tree lighting...

Whoah! The climate of the celebration was the fireworks! It was really really really nice and sooooo romantic la! If my boyfriend proposes to me under fireworks next time, I'll nod my head right away!!!!!!!! Wakakakaka!

P/s: check my Facebook for more photos

Friday, November 27, 2009


Yay! Exam finished! No wonder the things all around me become so peace and nice all of a sudden! lol
Seriously, I didn't notice these nice scene during exam period (see pictures below).

Last paper was on 2pm. I went to Apple Cottage Child Care Centre (where I did my prac) to get the books I bought before exam.
The director is really good (well, she is my co-operating teacher during prac and I know she is good long time ago). She saw me as visiting the centre and asked me to go in to the room and play around.
I was happy to see all the children again! I was so surprised that they can still remember me cause it has been 1 month since I finished my prac! Felt so sweet to hear them call 'Mandy, Mandy!' again!
I stayed about 20 minutes (couldn't stay any longer as I need to go for exam)...

Walking along the way to the bus station, I noticed some changes since the last time I walked...
Or maybe it's mid-spring time... Lots of nice flowers and 'colourful' trees along the street! See, I told you! You'll never notice nice and beautiful things when you are not in the mood, which I mean you're having trouble, high stress level or rush in time!

I walked slowly and looked around...
Look what I saw around~

I'm not sure what is this but I'm pretty sure it's some kind of flower.
Look like tiny grapes~ Can I eat them?
Hmm, it may be nice to make them as Christmas decoration? haha.

This flower is a very interesting plant - Hortensia! Know why it's interesting?
The colours of the blossoms change according to the pH of the soil...
If the soil is acidic (pH less than 7) then the colour of the blossoms will be BLUE...
When pH=7 which is neutral, the colour will be WHITE...
And when the soil is basic (pH more than 7) then the colour of the blossoms will be PINK or PURPLE...
Interesting right?
And look at the picture, all three colours -blue, white and pink are there! Means the soil is acidic, neutral and basic???

Shadow is always nice, especially in a day with HUGE HOT SUN on your head!

And look! That's the HUGE HOT SUN la! Huge ler!
It looked nice though... ;p

Super bright sun is nice! It creates nice scenery and of course brighten up our days!

Ok, I went all the way from my house to Apple Cottage just for these! I shall introduce them one by one... Haha!

What!? Surprise? Come on! Books are good ! Especially for early childhood teacher, we need to collect nice picture books!
From left: A very Special Wish, A Taste of Chocolate, Charlie and Lola
Sorry ler, the 'A Taste of Chocolate' is not for children... It is just for me... lol

They are usually very expensive but apparently, bookstores always have special price for child care centres, schools and other workplaces...

A Very Special Wish - there are 4 stories in there. I just read them... Very nice!
I actually attracted by the book cover when I saw it! Very nice cover that attracting people's attentions and desires to open it! Don't you think so?

A Taste of Chocolate - well, obviously it's a recipe! For chocolate lovers, you will definitely love it! There are lots of ways to eat chocolate!!!

Charlie and Lola - this is a very famous children's book in Australia! There are 10 books in there.
The original price was AUD130 and they are selling for AUD40!!! Average of each book = AUD4, Very worthy la!!!

These are the ten books! Too bad you can only read the covers (except for Tanya). Haha!

Wow! I told you! Everything seems great after exam!!! I think the greatest thing is my MOOD! Haha! Exam over = Shopping + Eating + Partying Times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be back soon~

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Nice new song from Linda Chung - Miss you days and nights

Just to share a nice song with you.
I like the part when she writes her confession on the scrapbook the most! *sorry Tanya, I'll explain the meanings to you next time*
Here it is! The song is called Miss you days and nights (Yat Ye Siong Nei - in cantonese)

Green amongst the Reds...

Yesterday was really a Big Huge Mess Day!!!!!!
All right, I went to work as usual... And I was in the preschool room yesterday.
The weather seemed fine---> it's a good thing that we could play outside today instead of just staying inside the whole day!
The thing I hated the most is that staff doing their own things or chatting to each other during working time!
Come on! We are all early childhood educators and we are supposed to play and talk to the children!
Most of the staff chat when they work, I wonder if the director knows about this...
Ok, least they will still notice what the children do...still acceptable but not desired.
The worst ever thing is doing their portfolios during work time! You know what! You can't see what the children do when you are so concentrating with your portfolio!!!
Ok, you can't see but you can hear right? Preschoolers were back into the room so I went in too, leaving the toddlers outside.
Me and another staff heard children crying and screaming everywhere outside but we couldn't see any staff there! Oh my goodness! What was happening out there!!!
I told another staff that I just gonna check what's going on outside, she nodded.
But when I walked out, I saw this staff writing her portfolio while another two staff changing children's nappies and having morning tea break!
What the hell!?Are you deaf or what! Couldn't you hear that???
I couldn't do anything cause obviously, there were toddler room staff out there, I couldn't just go out and ask the children what happened so I just told my room staff that xxx was out there.
I really cannot understand lo! If you choose to work in child care centre then you should do your responsibilities. Come on, you can do your portfolios at home!!! If you can't take care of the children then what's the point you go to work???

Afternoon was really CRAZY!!! Super hot outside so we couldn't play outside. Children been caged inside for too long, they became super duper chaotic! Everyone running, screaming inside, toys were everywhere, no one packed them away after finished playing.
The consequence---> all sat on the mat and listened to the room leader and no toys to play for about 20 minutes and they were given a second chance to play nicely and pack away when finish...
Unfortunately... Children were still not playing nicely and the room was still super freaking messy!!! Ok, no more chance! Everyone had to sit on the mat again!
Anyway, we did go out for a while around 4.30pm...
I was supposed to go off on 5pm but due to the ratio, I had to stay abit longer. I had early shift yesterday so it wasn't my job to pack the outdoor away (supposed to be the 2 late shift staff from toddler and preschool room job). Ok, I don't mind to help packing away but NO ONE was helping me!!! And I packed away everything under the freaking hot sun!!!!!!!!!
Can you imagine, the outdoor space is so big with lotsa toys in the sandpit, balancing beam and stuff at soft fall area, bikes and etc... I packed all these away!!!
So tired! I thought my old bones gonna break ler!!!!!!!!

It was really a horrible day but there was something warmed my heart too...

A girl gave this to me...
I thought she wanted to show me something so I asked her what is that.
She told me it's a birthday card.
I asked if it is for her mom or dad...
She came near me and whispered in my ear...
"It's your Birthday Card", she said.
How sweet!

Inside view...
I read A, B, C, D, E, F, G...
She tole me that is a H not G.
I asked her why there isn't a G...
Know what she said?
"I don't like G!"
Haha! What a cute answer!

Anyway, I still hope that no such thing is gonna happen again in the future!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Starry starry song...

Been busy working and studying for exam...
Maybe these stress me up a lil'...

Just came back from work and took a shower! Very refresh now!
I like to sing song when I bath, I believe many people do!
And this song just came to my mind suddenly...
I sang, sang, sang... And it made me think of him (Can't show his name here, it's a real private and confidential thing).
Many things that I have long kept deep inside my mind came back and flashed in front of my eyes...

It was the first time I sang to him, the first song I ever sang to him...
The very first time we traveled together to Malacca (with bunch of friends).
I remember we nearly missed all the buses to go home; most of the bus tickets sold out...
Luckily we got this bus which was not a very nice one but at least we could get home!
My girlfriend traveled with us so there were three of us going back to JB...
My girlfriend gave him her seat cause it was a girl sitting next to his seat.
I know I was happy cause my girlfriend sat with me when we headed to Malacca... Didn't get a chance to sit with him.
Our bus was a really late bus so we actually saw lotsa stars on the way home. I sang him this song...It was a song about stars but not Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars lol.
And yea, he sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars to me... sweat!
We had a short break half way...
My girlfriend told me that she felt touch when she saw this... She said he kept adjusting the aircond for me when I was sleeping in the bus and put his jacket on me...
So touching! I knew I found a really nice guy at the moment...How lucky I was!

He had been very nice, caring and gentle to me...
Very nice of him...
Some people may think why I use past tense? Easy, cause he is past tense!
Maybe I wasn't cherish him alot...
Too late, too sad... Honestly, I'm still a lil' regret...
That song brought back too much memories...
I actually miss him now... Feel a lil' lonely and hurt...
Arghh!!!!!! Sorry! Pardon me!!!!!!!! I think I'm just a bit stress!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy or Not? I'm not sure...

Oh my dear, today is really damn freaking hot!!!!!! I really feel myself in the oven XP
Anyway, finished my 1st paper. 1 more on next Friday. Ok don't say I have plenty of time to study! Actually NO----> I have 3 shifts next week so I gotta finish reading the articles by Sunday!

Phew, erm...actually, I'm not sure how I did in this paper... I don't think the questions were difficult BUT there were super TRICKY!!!It seemed like all the choices are correct but which one is the most accurate ler?

Anyway, I really wanna say this! I saw him again before going in the room for exam! Have not been seeing him for around 3 months I think... It must be my lucky day! Same exam building, same exam time... We experienced the same moment... Sorry *vomit*.... I know it's disgusting... I'm so pervert!!!

I am just don't understand myself... I thought I don't think of him anymore... I know I'm still thinking of him after today... my heartbeat and the hotness of my face told me...Yes, I'm still thinking of him... Why? Why? Why? Why I see him again!

Nevermind la... since I'm happy after seeing him. Just see him as a Happy Factor! I'd rather be happy than sad and stress ok!

All right... Gotta go for my next revision and having a short break tonight~
Mandy Fighting!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Feel loved...

Know what? The world is really full of love!
Not only people have love... But even plants, animals and other living things have love!
I was cutting chinese mushroom yesterday for my dinner....
I was so surprised to see this!
One of the mushrooms looked like this...

How sweet it is! I didn't bear to cut it... I had to cut it though...
So...Just quickly took this picture as remembrance...
So nice!
I felt loved after eating it... lol

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mandy's specialzzzzz

Addicted to my home-made tasty and healthy salad recently~
I found this combination of veggies and fruits is the best I ever have!
Nah, I'm gonna share this 'recipe' with you!

What do you need?
  • Celery
  • Strawberry
  • Cherry tomato / tomato
  • Kiwi
  • Nuts and dried fruit (optional)
I know some people do not like the smell of celery. You know what! You can't actually taste the celery with lotsa strawberries in it! The ratio of the veggie and fruits is really up to you! If you love celery then put more celery! If you hate celery do much... you can just leave out the celery and replace with other veggies you like or just pure fruit salad!
Nuts bring the crunchiness to your salad! I prefer almond, walnut, cashew nut and macadamia! Just add whatever nuts you like!
Wash and cut the veggies and fruits into small pieces or cubes... Serve onto a plate... That's it! Quick and easy! Most importantly, yummy and healthy!

Look! The very colourful salad~

Zoom in... They look so nice, don't they?

Try yourself at home! You will definitely like it! =D

Thursday, November 12, 2009


It's been more than 1 month that I didn't drop by... Sorry... Been very busy with assignments, practicuum and now EXAM!!! Arghhh!!! My busy days never ending......

So nice to receive very nice Lindt chocolate from Tanya while preparing for exam. So sweet! Well, you know... Both of us always say that chocolate is a very good therapy for stress people. Indeed, it is (well, at least it works for both of us. You can try if you are tension anyway)!

Here s the Lindt chocolate from Tanya. Share with you guys... not the chocolate but the picture! lol
It's limited edition ok!
Let's explore what's inside...Of course chocolates!!!

Tadah~ There are 2 flavours.
Blue=> Cookies and cream (yum yum)
Green=> Milk chocolate shell with a melted white chocolate centre (this is really a BOMB!!!)

So sorry lar... You can see but can't eat! Wakakakaka! *evil*

Hmmm... I think I'll be away again for a long time... But I guess I'll slack abit sometimes and blog geh... Haha!
Will show you some nice photos during my Prac after exam ok~ But of course not the children's photos... Just some of my planned experiences' photos! Haha!
Ok ciao~ Be back soon~

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