Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dear sushi~

There was some left-over rice from yesterday..Okla, make sushi for lunch la!
Used to make sushi early in this semester..Becoming lazy and more lazy to make now! Haha!
Easy peesy! Add vinegar into rice and stir! Remember the rice must not be hot!

Rice on the seaweed~ Spread some seasoning if you like...

You can add anything for your sushi! Mine, I put carrot and vegetarian fish!

Then roll it! Got technique 1 lo! I don't know how to teach you to make a perfect roll! Practice makes perfect la!

This is it!

Cut it into half! Ok, It's ready to be served!


Saturday, May 30, 2009

There's always different view when you look at different angle!

Went to MSA Gear Up Lunch in MUV. !
Tell you this, I must really praise the 'cook's' cooking! Super tasty! They made roti canai, roti calar, chicken curry, teh tarik and kuih-muih! So the NICE lo!
I was like...OMG, I wanna eat the chicken curry!...when Tanya and Ai Vee eating that! Smelled super nice and they said really nice! Nevermind la! Haha!

Ok, finished makan! Walked home la! Just realized that MUV is really really far from my house T_T
Nevermind la, exercise la! 45minutes nia!


Weather was still fine! At least not raining when I was walikng!
That's why I got the chance to really look around and take some photos! Haha!

I like this one! Close-up, the flower is really so cute! lol

Erm...Don't know what is this...Some kind of plant la har!

NO THROUGH ROAD!!! You are not allowed to drive in! Told you already no through road, there's no more road ahead! Unless you wanna bang the wall la har!

Turn left? Turn right? I'm heading to Abuklea Rd so I turn right ar! haha!

Some very small maple tree.
So cutie~the leaves are so small!

Botak tree...

Botak tree again...signs of the winter! *wind blows*

Not bad ar! At least 45minutes walking distance gave me such a different view! Can't really always see this kind of views and really feel them!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Surprises!!! ^ ^

I've promised to tell you guys how was my first squash playing!
As usual, walked to Tanya's workplace...waited for her to gym. Still early when I got there, ok go toilet first while waiting for her!
By the time I came out from the toilet...
My FIRST SURPRISE...*drum drum*... OMG! Tak sempat to react! He came out from the computer lab! *me melting* Blue T-shirt, looked so great on him! I really want to say this...HE HAS REALLY GOOD BODY FIGURE! OoooOOOOooo~ A single glance is more than enough for me! *happy*

Ok, go gym! Tanya bought a banana bread before playing. Wow, the banana bread really smelled so nice!
We got Court 2, planned to play from 4pm -5pm as we would be going to Bodyjam at 5.30pm!
Honestly, both of us really don't know how to play squash. Me, with zero skill and knowledge. At least Tanya had kind of learnt it from Simon last week...She actually taught me how to play!



First time playing squash, pose first! lol
Both of us acted like so PRO!!!

Then we played la! Hit, hit, hit! How come so hard to hit the ball geh! So frustrated! We only hit for at most 4 times every new ball! Really stuck at 4 times, 4 times, 4 times.....Arghhh!!! The curse of 4! Cannot!!! Must break it! Hit, hit, hit! Eih? This time like so many times geh? 1,2,3,4,5,6...Yay! We broke the curse of 4!!! We hit 6 times this round!!!!!! Yay!
Walao, so tired...I think I'll be lying like mummy on the bed tomorrow!

5.30pm...We damn geng! Rested for 20 minutes then Bodyjam! Don't know can dance or not ler...
Gee! Today's bodyjam was like so bouncy! Really dying already! By the time we finished bodyjam, we were like...DEAD! My legs really so...tired and super duper tensed!!!
Okla, walked home la! Wah!!!!!!!!!! So cold.....*trembling*


All right, last part of this post...(I'm really so sleepy already, gonna sleep right away after finished typing this post)
I 'dragged' my super duper tired and dead body to my bedroom...Threw (yes, I meant it) everything on my bed... Eih? What's that?
My SECOND SURPRISE of the day...*drum drum*.... What this blue envelope on my table?


No doubt, this is the blue envelope lying on my table. 'Mandy Tan Chow Ping', that's for me! Wow *awake*!I got a mail! I actually got a mail!!! Who sent this to me? Where it from? Check it out...


Can you see that? It's abit blur...It's from Malaysia if you can't see it. Actually very easy to recognized! Look at the RAMBUTAN stamp on the right, sure Malaysia! wakakaka!
OOOOOooooo~ A letter from my 'secret admirer' (you know who you are, 'secret admirer')

Wah! How come it was like so thick geh? O, no wonder la!
A letter set of 4 papers...


They are so cute! I like them so much! I didn't know 'you' actually used nice letter papers! So "lum"!!!

I really like one of the papers soooooo much!

This is it! It just a normal blank paper, don't ask me why. Look at the logo...That's NS logo! This paper reminded me lots of beautiful memories...'We' used to write each other 'love letter' with these papers!

And the very last paper! I almost cried when I see this! My super duper early birthday present!!! This is the second drawing 'you' drew me! The first one of course drew during NS!


Hopefully 'you' still remember the reason that 'you' were my idol! heehee...

Super tired today! But with these surprises...Just made me so happy!!! Especially when I got and read the letter! So touching...! Reminded me of soooooo many things! That's my best memories ever! I guess 'you' think the same!


Let me tell you what I actually do now when I supposed to read my literacy readings and do summaries...
Well, Every semester is like that! The nearer the time to exam the more moodless I feel! See what I'm doing now lo! My readings are lying so nicely next to

No mood to read especially when we had submitted every literacy assignments! I thought it's the end for this subject before exam! But guess what? We were given 2 readings to read and summarize for our exam preparation! Damn it! I really have no mood to do this! Just how many times do we need to read these readings!!!!!! What a nuisance!
I only read 2 pages since 1130am! It's been 3 hours already and I havent even finished 1 reading! I can tell you what I did most of the times... youtube, facebook and now blogger! Haha!

Just finished doing a tag in facebook (kena tagged by Tanya), the topic is so interesting, do la! Haha!
Blogging now... Having my yummy dessert lunch...
Didn't really realized that this dessert is actually a rice dessert when I bought it in Woolies! Rice dessert? Kind of...weird har? Nevermind, try the taste first!

This is caramel flavour! It's 97% fat free so don't worry, just eat it! Honestly, I feel less guilty if I eat a dessert which is fat-free! Wakakaka!

Yum yum~ It's not that weird as expected! Is actually quite tasty! Creamy~

Going to gym at 4pm for squash and 530pm for Bodyjam! First time playing squash, don't know how does it feel! Tell you guys later la har! And JAM! Gee, I love Bodyjam so much! Wakakaka!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Let's celebrate!

Thursday night again! Nothing's special, it's just our night shopping day! Thursday is the only day that all shops will open until quite late...shops close on 4 or 5pm on the other days. This is why everybody take dinner outside and shop on Thursday (Come on, once in a week. must really enjoy la!)!
Tanya and I had 'booked' each other to have dinner in Chatswood tonight as to 'celebrate' that we had finished peer teaching and literacy assignment! Haha! Spoil ourselves once in a while, not too much geh!

I can still feel the fullness of my stomach now...*hiccup* oops, excuse me!
Tell you what we have eaten! I didn't realize that I actually ate SO much (need to do more exercise ler T_T)!!!
Ok, we had our super early dinner at 5pm! Don't know why, just felt so hungry! Fine, we had our Korean dinner! OMG, that shop (Jang Gun) is really so nice! The food are so good! Love the side dishes so much especially the potato! Yum yum~

Finished dinner around 6 something...was already so dark, we thought it was already 8pm -.-"
Gee! Felt like dessert not long after the dinner! What should we take? Okay! We'll get Gelatissimo! Walao! It was so cold outside and imagined we actually got cold freezing Gelatissimo for our dessert! But I actually felt warmer after finished eating the Gelatissimo...HOW COME!!!??? I also don't know why??? Haha!
Yum yum~

Ok, continued shopping! "I feel like drinking something hot" said Tanya about 20minutes after Gelatissimo. And know what? We went for hot drink!!!

This store is really a nice one! It is called Chocolateria-San Churro! Took some photos using my hp, hmmm not very nice...anyway, just wanted to take photos of our nice food! haha!

The lighting is actually quite romantic in the store...sorryla, lousy hp...

Tanya ordered her cappucino! Looked so nice and taste nice (said Tanya)! Well, I don't take coffee or everything with coffee taste!

This is my Classic Spanish Hot Chocolate! Yea, I'm CHOCOLATE MONSTER! Tell you what, this hot chocolate is THE BEST hot chocolate for me at the moment! It is just so GREAT! So thick! Like you are actually drinking melted chocolate! Yum yum~ I LOVE IT SOOOOOO MUCH!!!

Ok, don't think this is 'you tiao'!!! This is definitely not a 'you tiao'!
This is called Spanish Churros! It is served with melted chocolate (you can choose among dark, milk or white chocolate). We chose dark chocolate! How to eat this???
Well, dip the sticks into the your mouth and eat it! Haha!
This dessert is really terrific!

My goodness! We actually had eaten so much stuff! And were so FATTENING especially the chocolate!!! Me even worst! Everything chocolate! I think I'm gonna become fat poh soon!!! T_T

Special thanks to MISS TANYA for introducing all the food we had just eaten!

A day with presentation preparation...

Good afternoon everyone! Blog when I'm having a short break from presentation preparation o_o
Let's have a look how hardworking I am!
Did I ever mentioned that I used to do works on my bed? Yea, nothing's wrong with your eyes...ON MY BED! Haha.
I admit that I'm not a very hardworking person. Honestly, I can't sit at my study table for a long period...30minutes the most I think...I like to lie on my stomach on my bed and I used to read and do works like that! I just found too hard to stick my butt on the chair for hours...that kills me ok! And I'm very old...I feel back pain when I sit too long on the chair... =.="

Yea, this is how my bed looks like when I'm doing assignments and studying...This is considered very tidy already! Sometimes I have books spread everywhere on my bed and floor... o_O

The weather is not very good these few weeks...Have to drink more water! Just finished my peer teaching...Have to drink something that protects my
Made myself a lemon honey (this is very effective if you have sore throat)!

Using my favourite and only mug...Haha!

Lemon 'swims' in my honey=> LEMON HONEY!!!

My satisfied look after drinking my very special LEMON HONEY!!! Haha!

I feel so fresh after the break and drinking my lemon honey (even though it was just a very short break, like 15 minutes...).
So people, DON'T BE SO STRESS UP! Take a short break and make yourself a nice drink when you get so tired from studying or doing assignment! It really works!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Great beautiful children's picture book!

Today I came across with a very beautiful children's book during Literacy Tutorial! Have not really introduce a book or HAD NEVER TALKED ABOUT LITERACY (this is more appropriate i in my blog. I don't know why this book urged me so badly to introduce it! Maybe I just can't stand the expression showing in the creature's eyes of the book cover...
This book is called Varmints by Helen Ward and illustrated by Marc Craste...And it is an awarded children's picture book!
I had no idea what a varmint is before i read the book. There is one page explaining the meaning of varmint...varmint is an irritating or obnoxious person or animal.
I didn't really got the chance to read the book, just flicked through the book as we were asked to choose an image from the book to analyse. So basically I was attracted by the illustrations...How to say...It was just too beautiful! I don't think I can use words to describe it! Not just the images but also the colour contrasts, conveying different moods in the book.

A short description of the book: Life in the city is changed by a tiny patch of grass, and one person. This is an atmospheric picture book about the importance of nature and its power to survive over civilization. The varmints come and build their city where once was wilderness. Before they realized what they have done, there is nothing but a huge dark city. But one small person has saved a small patch of green and sees that a few others have done the same.

This is the book cover...

Found 2 pages from the net...A snapshot for you about the book.

This is one of the pages I like the most...

Couldn't find my most favourite page...sob sob...
The page I like the most is actually when the hero of the book moved the most important thing of his life to a safer place. I can't really describe the page...but after I saw that page...I was sad...He actually moved his most important thing which is a plant to a place with light and he, himself walking towards the darkness...Can you imagine the contrast? It was just like 'I give you all the hope, I don't mind living without long as you are safe'...You know...
That is just too beautiful!
And I found out that the illustrator actually made this into a short movie. I found a very short trailer from youtube and have attached it in this post. Take a look! I hope you guys like it too!

Special thanks to Stacey for bringing in this lovely book to the tutorial!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Nervous...nervous and NERVOUS!!!

So nervous...So ner..v..ou..s...SO NERVOUS......
Relax! This was actually how I felt yesterday night and early in this morning!
Today's tut is the KEY to pass the music subject!
We had our peer teaching! I think somebody may not know what a peer teaching is...
Well, for us, the noble future early childhood educators *trembling*, we're gonna teach our peers who are actually our coursemates to sing a song!
We NEED to imagine and pretend these 'old' children as real children...*sweat* Honestly, I really don't know how to imagine and pretend them as children...Well, they are real adults sitting in front of me okay! How do I not nervous ler!!!???
Very good, I chose this super easy song to teach! Head and shoulders knees and toes! I supposed the whole world know this song (if you don't, sorry la...what i can say is...YOU HAVE NO CHILDHOOD!!! lol)!
Well, to really make my peer teaching interesting, I nearly cracked my brain to 'vomit' some idea!
And finally, I chose to teach with a puppet! I went to the library, hopefully I would find a puppet!
Ok there are a few but know what...they all look so old and torn...All right, I had no choice! I had to borrow one of them to make my idea worked! I couldn't live without it!!! I got one girl puppet eventually...
Okey dokey! I had my idea, I had my puppet, now I need scripts!!!!!! Had to think scripts for me and my special guest, I called her Puffy (thought this name was nice)!
This scripts needn't to be too long...must be interesting and involve everyone...*write write write*
Ok done! I thought I had a really humour scripts (at least it was humour for me!)! Guess what I did the next? I actually sat in front of the mirror and practiced the scripts with Puffy! Excuse me, don't think too much! I was not being narcist and looking at myself in the mirror ok!!!
Few times practising...*cough cough* Should stop making all those voices, if not, I would have no voice to teach tomorrow!!!
Hmm...I guess I was ready!

THE NEXT DAY...which is today!
Gee! I was so nervous!!! =.=''
Ok, we took turn to teach. You could actually volunteer to have a go first!
Not the first one please, Not the last either...I taught when at least 8 of us had done...
Tell you what...My heart was bumping extremely fast and loud that you may hear it *sweat*
It's Puffy's show time as well!
So I actually kept changing the voices to act as Puffy and of course myself! By the time we sang the song, my throat was just like 'STOP IT! STOP TORTURING ME!' haha!
But I have to really really thank you la MY THROAT! You did a good job! *clap clap*
The happiest thing was I got a credit for the teaching and had already passed this subject!!!Yay! No exam for this, no need to bother anymore! Haha!
Now, I can really focus on the assignment which is due tomorrow and presentation!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The power of MAKE-UP... Frighten me!!!

Got this forward email few minutes ago...
My first reaction after seeing this was like O_o ... What!? *eyes pop out* Incredible!!!
These photos show the steps of a girl making up. I guess this is the first intention when this girl first posted up these photos...
But i guess people used to compare the looks before and after making up eventually!
See yourself...

Gee! I have to admit that she has extremely good make-up skill!
She looks totally different after making-up!
I can't believe it's the same person!!!
This is why we always say make-up makes you look different!
This girl can actually become professional dresser man!

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