Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Spring lover

Yes! I'm talking about myself! I'm absolutely a spring lover!
All of us know that Malaysia have no seasons, i mean the change of four seasons. It's summer and maybe spring all year in Malaysia!
So, do not really have a chance to experience the change of seasons.
In Australia, I've got the chance to really experience the change of the four seasons and the weather!
It's now SPRING in Australia!
A good season when it is not that cold anymore and flowers blossom everywhere!
I am really crazy about flowers!
I think this is quite normal ba cuz most of the girls like flowers!

Yesterday when I was walking home from orientation day,
I realized some changes along the street.
The streets seem to be brighten up by something!
There is no more winter feeling.
Everything seem to shine under the sun (instead of dull during winter)!
Just a few days times,
Flowers are blossom everywhere, tender leaves 'appear' on the trees.
The trees are finally not bald anymore!
I'm loving it!

These are the photos I took when I was walking home! Try look at the first photo!

What do you think?

Whole tree full with red pinkish flowers!

Isn't it amazing?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

When you experienced the same as in your assignment essay...

I've finally finished the "loss and death" assignment!
Ready to to submitted now!
It's really been hard for me doing this assignment!
Firstly, I got sick!
And this assignment topic is REALLY REALLY distress!
Now that I know how people deal and cope with stillbirth and miscarriage (can't really feel how they feel though).

I know it's really hard when you lose a loved one (i mean death)...
I knew it...
I did lost my loved one 10 years ago...
It was really a hard time for me.
I don't remember how i got through this...
It had been 10 years ago though, he is still the biggest influence for me.
I think of him, miss his hugs and kisses...

I really... I did thought of going back to the moment we spending together...
Wished to have time machine that can brings me back to the days with him...
But this is only happens in my dream...
I know I will never see him again...
Not even once again...
I told myself I have to move on...
He will not happy if he sees me sad all the time...

I know everyone will need to pass the life cycle...
Birth, old, ill and death is must for everyone.
It is just how you see and accept it.
Death, is not necessary apply to those oldies.
It may happens to the youth and even a little baby who is just came to the world...
Accept it as part of your life...
Don't regret when you lose someone...
Most importantly, be happy with the one you loved...
Appreciate every moment that you have...
Live your life to the fullest...
Love them and yourself as much as you can everyday...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sick? Well? Or worse?

Been sick for few days...
Sick...feeling better...then feeling worse...keep going like this...
Haiz...So cham...
This is really my first time got sick in Sydney!
Maybe because of the sudden change of the weathers?
Or maybe just because of the extremely blow on Conception day?
I don't know...
Feel so sleepy all the time.
Really wish that everything will just gone after awake...
Don't feel like thinking and doing anything...
Unluckily, whole bunch of assignments are waiting for me!
Really need to do something...
Can I really have a break?
I am really flaked....

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Know? Don't know?

You said you understand how i felt...
Are you really know?
Or maybe just wanted to comfort me? I wonder...
I am fine!
I really don't need you to understand my feelings cause i really think you don't understand...
You never dealt with this before so yea...
I happy that you said something to comfort me...
But I don't need you to pity on me...
'You still have me with you...'
Please don't say this kind of word...
Please don't act like you really know how i felt...
I don't need it...
I know i'll be fine!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Conception Day = Heartbreak Day?

Been stressed up for the whole week.
Finally, I got something to 'relax' myself abit. I thought so....
The day before the Conception day, I met him again... Actually I waited him purposely and was thinking to talk to him...
He had few friends around him, just don't dare to talk to him...He glanced at me, I'm sure!
Saw him walking into the lecture hall, i was just so....
I then went to the toilet...
By the time i came out from the toilet, he came out from the gent and walked passed by me!
I did not have time to react, it was just too SUDDEN!!!
I just didn't wanna give up!
I sat on the bench since I have no class that time so just wanna try my luck to see him again (he has 2 hours class so will have short break between)...I damn super PERVERT!
I really didn't expect he would come out from the lecture hall...
I don't know if the god wanted to give me chance, he just appeared and ALONE and just standing right in front of me!
My butt just stuck on the bench, hesitated of approaching him!
Again walked passed my front and entered the hall again with his friends!
Watching him entered the hall, I was just too...
No choice, i had to go ler, I had tutorial class....

I called Charlie that night, telling her all these!
I told her I can only see him again 1 month later since we have break for 2 weeks and i have prac after the 2 weeks break!
She asked me not to be frustrated, and said I might get to see him tomorrow which is the conception day!
I just don't think he would go to the conception day...

Okay, yesterday was conception day!
I just did't expect anything!
It was just my luck!!!!!!!!!!!
I walked to the nab machine to withdraw money with Shir Li,
He and his friend just walked passed my side!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG! He was so CUTE!
Just tell me was this the fate? God wanted me to be friend with him!
I told myself I'll talk to him once I see him again later!

Shir Li and I went queue up to enter into the event's location which was just by the lake!
I saw him in the crowd!
There were so many people but I actually saw him!
Just after entered, we went to the U@MQ 'cafe' to have a rest.
I realized he and his fellow friends just sat right in front of my vision in the 'balcony'!

I told Shir Li I wanted to talk to him, Shir Li 'encouraged' me by saying if you dare to talk to him then I'll give you 10 bucks!
Still, I didn't dare to.... Haiz....
I was just too surprised that whenever I went I just saw him!
Was I really meant to know him?
No... It was not....
After so many times I saw him in front of me....
I really wished that i didn't see this....
From far, I saw a girl walking next to him and they held each other's hands....
I was just....COLLAPSED!
I didn't tell Shir Li...
The second time saw him holding the girl's hand was in the 'cafe' again.
I actually saw him just pretended didn't see him....
Shir Li unintentionally... she said 'Look! your handsome guy!'. she didn't actually saw him holding a girl...
I told her I saw him and he was holding a girl....

So... I kept seeing him was not the fate to be friend with him... Was actually the fate to know that he already has a girlfriend...
What a really cruel reality for me....
I said inside of me... I didn't want to see him anymore and yea, I didn't see again after I saw him holding someone else....

I was soooooooo sad already!
We met Chun Shi and the gang....
H**** was really too much!!!!!!
I used to wear like this!
Know what he said! He just didn't think of other's feelings! I'm a girl, he shouldn't say like that!
He said if not wearing sexy then how to kena 'kaw' !
YES! I deserved it! I was nearly kena molested!
All just happened in one day!
I really shouldn't have gone to the conception day!

And now what?
I got sick just after the conception day!
I sick physically (got fever) and i really think sick spiritually....
Really feel heartbroken ler....

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lam Fung's 2nd album!!!!!!!!

Wow! I've been waited for so long!
Lang Fung's 2nd album is finally out now from 1oth September!
I haven't bought one but anyway I am being supporive o!
I am crazy fan!!!!!!! Haha!
His first album got excellent result and really consider very good for a newcomer ler!

2nd album called 'Your Love', as usual consists of 10 songs.
This time the album includes of 1 mandarin song, duet with Vincy Chan - After Tomorrow; also in cantonese version.
This duet is really a sweet 1 either in mandarin or cantonese version!
Here is the track list!

Track Listing

1. Love with no regrets 愛不疚 (Subtheme from Moonlight Resonance)
2. Lover and sea 愛人與海
3. Tonight
4. After tomorrow 明天以後 (duet with Vincy Chan)
5. Saying goodbye with conscience 憑良心說再見
6. The shadow’s love story 影子的愛情故事
7. Life like water 浮生若水 (Subtheme from The Master of Tai Chi)
8. All about your love
9. Summer snow 夏雪
10. After tomorrow 明天以後 (Mandarin - duet with Vincy Chan)

I really want to recommend this album!
Consists of different genre of songs, and is a bit different from the 1st album o!
Worth to purchase one! And PLEASE support the ORIGINAL!!!!!!!!
Yes! You will definitely LOVE him if you listen to his songs!

I give 5 stars!!!!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy Mooncake Festival!

Yo~ Happy Mooncake Festival! It's tomorrow actually!
Macquarie MSA had a celebration (so called) which inviting us, all the MSA member to join them to celebrate the festival, and we can have delicious Malaysian food, mooncake and lantern for FREE!
Haha! I love freebies!
Anyway, not going just for he freebies!
I truly want to know more Malaysian student and celebrate the festival!
Very funny lo! I've been MSA member for almost 1 year, this is the first MSA event that I really participated! Haha!

Tanya and I were so semangat to go!
We left to MUV around 730pm...
We couldn't remember the unit number where the event held....
But we found it!
Know why? and how?
We hor...haha...heard people laughed so we predicted the event was there!
Just as expected! Haha!

Since I said this is the first time we attend the MSA event,
we know nobody there...very paiseh to join in lo!
We wandered around there and dare not to join in!
Anyway we joined with one of the MSA committee (Sue, hope i spelled it correctly) brought us in!
And yea, getting know the people around!
One of the girl is our coursemate- Ivy.
We actually heard of her name before this ler just that not sure she is the one!
She is really fun!
Like the first day only we know her, we were already like so 'ngam' ler!

Not bad ler this event!
Nice food, got Asam Merah, curry, acar, kuih batik, ondeh-ondeh!
And OF COURSE, we have MOONCAKE! Main Character tonight!
Didn't get to play with lantern... what a pity! (was too late for me to walk home so yea..)
Anyway, this was really a good one!

Moon is really ROUND tonight ler!
One last thing and again HAppy advanced Mooncake Festival!

It's been hard...

Don't you think life is really difficult?
Being a human MORE difficult!
Alot of things had been happened this week...
Just happened all of the sudden...
I really don't know how should I react.
Really blank in my mind...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thank you...

I said yesterday that life full of opportunities....
I really think that opportunity will only appear if you after it..
I let my opportunity slipped away today...I just didn't have the courage to do it!
Never mind, try again!
Make the opportunity yourself!
Step by step, not to rush... Human used to learn crawling before they learn to walk so yea!

Today I was really emo, maybe i felt like being alone...
Or maybe I was just too stressed uo with all my things!
I just feel like collapse!
It was already the highest level, I need to release it!
I went to Charlie's house and seek for her comfort...
I used to do it since few years ago!
She knew my style! Haha!
I had Charlie around and Shir Li being supported!
They listened to me, saw me cry, comforted me....
I really feel better now!
Friends are really powerful people!
And I was so touched!
I never knew that Charlie defended me for that incident...
I nearly cried....
She is the only one I really feel comfortable!
I really so glad that having you around...

I know I have to be strong cause you all will leave me when you graduate.
So, I really have to be very very independent!
And again, I will remind myself for the opportunity!
I know the opportunities will always say "you want some? Come get some!"
So yea, this is a good way of encouraging people i think!

Lastly and AGAIN, Thanks so much to my dearest friends!
Without you, I think I'm nobody....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Life full of opportunities....
I didn't really realize this before until today!Haha!
Yea, cuz actually i got a lecture today where the lecturer keep emphasizing OPPORTUNITY!
And yes, for us the future early childhood educators really need to provide lots of opportunities for the chubbies....
Absolutely.... Everyone needs opportunity in whatever he/she doing!
When you are striving for something, you need opportunity...
When you are troubling with something, you need opportunity...
When you fail, you STILL need an opportunity to stand up and try it again!
So, very obvious isn't it?
Opportunities stand ~100% in our lives and are super important for everyone!
It is your responsibility to find the opportunity yourself.
Opportunity will not stand at your front and says 'Hey, come catch me!'
If you fail in doing something or whatever in your life, don't blame GOD, don't blame others...
Cause it is not that the GOD and people don't give you opportunity and chance,
It is just that you are too prideful or 'lazy' to pursue the opportunity yourself!

For myself, I'm gonna grasp this opportunity!
I'm not gonna give you up before i try!
I wanna give myself this opportunity!
Strive for it!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm DYING!!!!!!!!!!

I really am dying!
I just too exhausted today!
Guess what?
I did my 1st orientation day in the particular centre.
I had insomnia yesterday; i think i was too nervous for the O day today!
I was still in conscious condition at around 2am and guess what! I got up 6.45am in the morning!
I had less than 5 hours sleeping time!
I really can't imagine that how am i going to die for the real prac period!

I think I old already! Really old ler!
I have aching everywhere now!
Those kids are EXTREMELY energetic!
After back at home, I still need to cook the dinner, write the observation for today, do assignments etc....
I know I have whole bunch of things to do... YES, I REALLY DO!!!!!!!!!!!!
And both the assignments are gonna due nexe friday! The SAME day!
AND the day before the assignments due, I have QUIZ!!!!!!!!!!!
I really dunno how am i gonna finish up all these things!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My brain is cracking!
So STRESSFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just wanna have a good break!
Really can't wait for the SUMMER BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But it seems still have long long time to go..........................................sob sob....

Anyway, I did have fun in the centre today!

All the teachers need to have a hat on during the outdoor play! This is mine! Do I look funny with the hat? Haha!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Am I promoting it? What do you think?

My very first 'novel' - "天使,我爱你" which is [Angel, I Love You] in English.
Actually fnished writing it earlier this year.
And had asked my friend to illustrate the cover page for me, the above was her illustration.
She could actually draw it better than this I think...Anyway, really appreciate her effort.

Many of my friends asked me what makes me feel like writing? (When I just started to write the novel)
Hmm... Actually, there was really something pushed me to write it... My ex...
We met up 4 years ago in the National Service Program; we seeing each other 2 months after NS finished (and I was in PJ studying A-Levels).
We used to be so close to each other and really attached to each other.
He then went to KL studying in KTAR...We met up every week...
Just before my A-Levels exam, something happened to us and I think I'll never forget about this incident cause that was all my fault...
I'm to be blamed for our broke up...
I didn't even get to see him before our broke up...
I called him the day when I went back to JB from PJ (we were still in 'war' period by the time, I just wanted to tell him that I'm going back to JB)...
I cried after I hanged up the phone...
I knew what I'd done...
He didn't even wanna talk to me... It really tore my heart...

I started to write the novel after a month of our broke up...
He saved me...
He gave me the feeling of first love (even though he was my 2nd bf)
He taught me alot of things...
He was so good that I really wanted to jot down his everything...
I wanted to jot down our memories, I didn't wanna forget about him...
I didn't wanna forget everything about us...
This was what inspired me to write the novel.

I thought of giving up and stop writing it when I had written until 3rd episode...
Cause everytime when I thought back of our memories, it just killed me...
I stopped writing it for 5 months...
It turned out one day from my book shelf when I was about to clean and tidy up my book shelf.
I looked at it...Yea, I was once trying to jot down my memories with him...
I realized how much I had been missing him...
His image re-appearred in my mind...
I had never forget about him and I couldn't!
I continued to write the novel again...After so many months...

I learnt a lot of things while I was writing the novel...
I need to be strong and I need to pull myself together...
I need to forget about my love to him...
I admit that I hated him once when i knew that he got a new gf 1 month after our broke up...
But I had no right to hate him...I was the one to be blamed...

Anyway, we are good friend now!
We used to be very good friend before we seeing each other!
He still shows his care for me now, just that in a diferent identity!
I met him last year (first reunion after 1+ years of our broke up).
He still calling the name he used to call me,
Very different feeling...
Honestly, I felt sad and cried at the moment I hugged him before he went home...
He didn't know that...
My cousin and sisters approached me after he left. they asked me to cry if I felt like to...
I said I'm Ok!
I said I'll never cry for him anymore, he is no longer my love one...
I promised this was my last time crying for him...
I was wondering why I cried that moment...
I totally understand now....
I think it was not that I still loving him...
That was just because of that promise of us...(this is a secret)
I was just too happy to see him again...I think!

This novel had quite a good response after I posted in my windows live space.
I was really so SURPRISE!
The most views in a day was 99 times!!!!!!!!!
This was really so surprising me!
Some of my 'fan' really urged me to post them up! Haha!
So pleasure!
Thanks to my 'fan' here again!

And NOW!
I'm looking forward for a new relationship, waiting for my Mr. Right!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Here is Lam Fung's new song, which is actually the song of the HK drama 'Heart of Greed 2'.
I really love him singing this type of song, very lyricism...
And his voice sooooooooo magnetic!!!!!!!!!!!
Share the music video below, is really quite nice!
Have a look ba!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Destination Nowhere...

In a soundless desert,
under the star filled sky,
I raise up my head and look at it.
This scenery will continue until where?
And where will I walk to?
I reach out my frozen hand to touch the light.
Before that imaginary star disappears.
Take off to the sky,
wind is crying,
Don't be confused with what you see with your eyes.
Hear the calling from the other side,
And together,
we will hear a voice we have never heard before.
What was gathered that night,
felt just like walking on snow.
Walking in silence,
But when I look back there's sure to be a footprint left.
When tomorrow morning comes...
I had never met myself yet,
But the shadow over the other side had already disappeared.
Take off to the sky,
wind is crying,
I am myself.
Hear the future in the wind,
And together,
we will hear a voice we have never heard before.
Destination Nowhere,
Always miss the Destination.
The shape of it is always changing,
like sand...
Take off to the sky,
wind is crying,
Don't be confused with what you see with your eyes.
Hear the calling from the other side.
Feel the present,
Because I want to see you.
I release what i feel in my heart.
Hear the future in the wind,
And together,
we will hear a voice we have never heard before...

The season of LONELINESS...

It's been cold and freezing for few days...
Feel so down...probably because of the weather...
Lose my direction all of a sudden...Where am I heading to?
Been busy with assignments, quizes etc...
Suddenly, feel so tired of these kind of lives...
Everyday go uni for lectures and tuts, come home study, cook, eat, sleep...
My life is so dull, isn't it?

Look around me...
Loving couples are all around...
It will be great if having a partner with me (mayb make me feel warmer?)
I'm eager for a new relationship...but somehow, can't really set myself down...
I'm not kind of playgirl; am really waiting for my real prince charming to appear...
I don't see any good 'object' or maybe they just don't appear in front of my sight...
'Bad objects', however, keep pestering me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep video calling me...NO CHOICE! I HAVE TO BLOCK THEM!!!!!
I don't want this!
I want to be real and a true love!!!!!!!!!!!

An unsent letter...
Perhaps, XXX will never get this letter...
Will never know about the content...
Will never know about my feelings...

Monday, September 1, 2008

MFest 2008

Yesterday was National Day!
Firstly, Happy Birthday to Malaysia la!
I had been so stressed up the past few weeks, really need some rest ler!
Well, it's MFest again (actually once a year)!
I invited Charlie and Shir Li to go MFest which is held at Darling Harbour's Tumbalong Park; they were super tired so...my invitation was 'rejected'! Haha!
But anyway...
I still have Tanya who was really semangat to go with me!
Here, I need to stress that we were not semangat to celebrate the National Day! Hoho...
Guess what?
We were just too semangat for the FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't imagine ba?
We are SO patriotic!!!!!!!! Wakakakaka!

This year's fest was not much different from previous years'...
The only different was that MORE DELICIOUS FOOD!!!!!!!!!!
We were so........couldn't wait for the food!
Let's go hunt for the food!
Follow me!

I suppose all Malaysian know this! And of course Singaporean do know this too!
APAM BALIK!!!Our very first dish! This really had the Malaysian taste!

Any idea of what is this? SAGO GULA MELAKA! Gosh, I love this! I miss gula melaka sooooo much!

CENDOL~ This was not as good as "Perling Cendol" but gula melaka & coconut milk quite strong, NOT TOO BAD la!

Combo 1 with chicken wing, satay, spring roll and curry puff! Unfortunately, we were ran out of curry puff... Looked Yum Yum rite?

Of course, we had performances on MFest which really made both Tanya and I laughed like mad lo! Really crazy lo! We never laughed like that before lo! Quite entertaining! Haha!

We really are "great eater" lo! Ate so many things! I even took away chicken laksa for my dinner lo (although it's taste was not that good, not spicy at all)! See.... I think we must had gained weights ler la! For SURE!

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