Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New Jazzz

Have not been dancing since national service, about 4 years i think.
I learnt to dance since primary school but i used to learn traditional dance.
Today is my first ever contact with "modern dance"!
Babibi started to dance 2 years ago, started with aerobic then new jazz started last week.
She asked me to join her and she said it was quite fun!
I promised her...
Today is my first class! (Registration fee:RM 25 + Monthly fee:RM 70= RM 95)
Goodness! Our teacher is Jolin's dance partner! So geng!
Anyway, our class is still beginner class so no one is professional! Haha!

OMG! How to do this? How to do that?
So difficult!
Never mind, I won't give up der! I'm still beginner and totally new for "modern dance" so slowly slowly la!
The song played was great!
Gotta download the song and practice at home!


Sunday, December 21, 2008

I'm the master of glutinous rice ball!

Glutinous rice ball! Glutinous rice ball! Anyone wanna buy glutinous rice ball?
Yes, yes, yes! I have tasty glutinous rice ball on sale!
Anyway, Happy "Dong Zhi" (have no idea what dong zhi in english, paiseh ar)!
But of course what's the meaning of it!
It's an important day for chinese!
Know why?
Nah, most of the people (i mean chinese) still eating glutinous rice ball in this special day!
But why this glutinous rice ball so important?
Glutinous rice ball is round in shape, meaning reunion.
In the ancient time, chinese believe that "Dong Zhi" is the most important day in a year (even more important than chinese new year o!).
And i think some chinese nowadays still believe that "after eating glutinous rice ball, you'll gain one year old"! So cute right! Anyway, i insist of gaining one year old only after my birthday! Haha!
Tadah~ Show you some photos i took when i was making the glutinous rice ball!

Firstly, you need to have this glutinous rice dough...

Next, you need to have some fillings in the glutinous rice ball! Depends on your favourites la! We like to have "gula melaka" in it!

Get some dough in you hand...

Put your fillings in it...

This is important step to make a round glutinouis rice ball!

Tadah! This is it!

While we were still making the glutinous rice ball, some of them already melted...

Ok then put the glutinous rice balls into your favourite soup! Here, our soup was cooked with "gula melaka" again and pandan leaves! Some people like to put ginger in it. It's a nice choice as well. Anyway, depends on how sweet you would like to eat la!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm back~

It's been long since my last post (really long ler! nearly a month)
Anyway, I have yet announce that I'm back in M'sia!
And is now "full-time babysitter"! Haha!
However, I'm very happy about this "position". You will know why if you have seen these photos!

Eih, he is not others~
He is my cutest little brother!
First ever contact with him (so touched!).
He is super cute that i can't resist to hold and carry him for the whole day!

Sometimes he looks like a big boss!

This is how he looks when we are going out!

"DAD ROCKS!" I bought him this super COOL T-Shirt!

He begins to "bite"! And since Chinese New Year is coming, he is learning how to greet the others "gong xi gong xi" (see his fist and you aill know)!

Eating biscuit!

He is now very SMART ler! Don't wanna to lie down still! Kept asking people to carry him! See his cute face and expression, you can't resist to carry him for sure!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


4 days to final exam!
OMG I'm so tension! All 3 subjects in a week!
Don't even have sufficient time to study man!
So scare la!
All of my friends already finished exam and having holidays now!
ME....Haven't even started exam! GOSH!
Jin Fang also back in M'sia ler yesterday ler!
So good!
Can't wait to go home!
I so no mood to study for examt this semester! Cham ler....
Hope everything will be fine la!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Congratulations to Lam Fung!
Was a bit pity that he lost to Ha Yu (Jo Bao) for the best actor,
But he got 2 awards! So, don't be disappointed ler Lam Fung!
You are still young ma! You have lots of opportunities to get the best actor der!
And no matter what, you are the best actor for me!
Gambateh ba!
Support Lam Fung!

Friday, November 14, 2008

What a blog for?

Can anyone tell me what a blog does?
I have never doubted on what am I doing (i mean writing blog) and now I am still insist on my thought...
From the first second I started writing blog, I expected to receive all kinds of comments. I am kind of open person so I can take any comments.
For me, a blog is a space where you can write anything you like. And yes, I wrote all kinds of things, my feelings la, my idol la, anyway, i write whatever i like!
I wrote about my feeling to a guy recently and I wrote about him in almost every recent posts. I really think there is nothing wrong lo!
But I actually received a comment from anonymous which was really awful!
I have no right to control what others are going to talk and comment about my blog and I already said that I am kind of easy going person, all kinds of comments are welcome!
But this comment was really terrible that making me so freaking sick!
I really think there is nothing wrong to like a guy and express my own feelings. Moreover, this is my space! I can write whatever I like, can't I?
I really don't understand why the 'anonymous' commented like that?
Is he/she that imbalance?
How he/she knows my feelings if he/she is not in this kind of condition?
I don't mean to blame anyone.
I just want the world to be peaceful without all these 'insulting' words!
Anyway, I just wanna release my anger.
And I will still keep writing whatever I like in my blog, if anyone feels it's distracting or annoying THEN DON'T READ THEM!
Done! I got all I want to say!
Feel comfortable now....

Monday, November 10, 2008

Leng zai...Leng zai...Everywhere!

I finally got to see Tanya's leng zai today!
Walau! He is really damn leng zai lo!
We went Macquarie centre for lunch and bought something for the tut party later in the evening.
We passed by ERIC, thought may not see the leng zai der.
Who knows!
He came out from the lift and walked passed us.
Tanya seemed so shocked and said 'neh, this one!'
I could see her face turned red! Haha!
And luckily, I saw him! (thanks to Tanya's fast reaction!)
He is really leng zai and so tall! (my ideal height man!) Haha!
She was so LUCKY lo!
Got to see her leng zai and even saw MY LENG ZAI in the library lo (too bad, I didn't go library)!
Aiyo, we really super crazy lo!
But for sure, our taste for leng zai is the same! Haha!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Complex feeling...

I should be doing my assignments now.
But see, what am i doing. Yea, I'm actually blogging now!
So fan! Don't feel like to do anything...
Exam is coming...
Everyone seems to study ler... Yet, I stiil have 2 assignments to do!
So stupid! I just don't understand why i always have assignments until week 13!
Help ar, don't feel like to do....

Tanya told me that she was so worried about development essay marks last week.
Tanya, you can now relieved la!
See, i told you that you will be fine der!
Don't worry la, you always got good marks for assignments so keep being confidence in yourself ar!
When feeling stress, tell me la!
I can sure make you happy geh (tell you 'lan gag' and 'gong sou cake' and 'gai zai cake' story ar)! You know what i mean! Haha!

Didn't see him for 2 days....
I actually feel abit 'miss' him...
Cham ler....
What's wrong with me?
I can't be like this der....
It's just my daydream...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Blood donation again! BUT...

I made an appoinment few weeks ago for today's blood donation!
Who knows!
During the interview, the interviewer checked my BP and haemoglobin counts(this is the routine for every donor). Only those with good haemoglobin counts can donate blood!
I was actually having LOW BP and LOW HAEMOGLOBIN COUNTS!
For more accurate checks, the interviewer got me to lie on the bed and they will check my haemoglobin counts again by taking 10ml of my blood!
Just like donating blood, they inserted a needle (smaller than the usual blood donation's needle)into my vessel.
UNFORTUNATELY, I couldn't donate blood today and in the next 6 months!
Because I have low haemoglobin counts. They said they will further checking my blood to make sure there is no problem with me.
And said maybe I had less iron intake since last donation.
Yes I think so (I didn't really eat meat).
They also told me that they will give me a call if there is any problem with my blood!

I know I was just too stress last 2 months for practicum, assignments and etc!
Hopefully there is nothing wrong with me!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

KFC day?

Today is Thursday! Nothing special for you guys, maybe!
Thursday is the only day I so want to go to uni in a week!
Yea, because I know I will see him again!
Before yesterday, Thursday is the only day I know where to 'look' for him but now I know more! Haha!
Expected, I saw him after development lecture and before tutorial class.

Thursday is also 'lazy day' for me and Tanya to cook dinner usually!
So we decided to eat KFC la! Finally, we could get to fulfill our desire towards zinger today!
Before going to Macquarie centre, we went to washroom in C5C (where I can usually see the leng zai) but I didn't expect to see him cause all the students seem to have left the lecture hall.

In the washroom...
Eih? This girl looked so familiar to me...O, she is....
After came out from washroom...
'That girl looked so familiar to me' I said to Tanya.
'Ya meh? No gua?' Tanya doubted.
'Is not that she is malaysian. I think she is the leng zai's gf.'
'Huh!? Are you sure?'
'Yes, I saw her during Conception Day.'
We then saw the leng zai groups the other side and the girl walked towards them.
See, my memory is so good!
'But they don't look like! They never hold hand also. The leng zai walks with his friend at front and the girl walks at the back. Really don't look like couple.'
But it is true! They are couples; I saw them holding hands during conception day. That was how I know he got gf.
Haiz... Whatever la!

Tanya and I were really like 'hungry ghost'! Haha!
We got ourselves the ultimate meal and we finally got the zinger burger (there were no burgers 2 days before and we ended up makan korean food)!

Today is also Tanya's happy day la!
She saw her leng zai 2 times in a day and her leng zai is actually working (maybe tutor?) in the building she works in! So lucky! Haha!
Ok, we went back home with satisfaction la!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sweet >.<

Yea, I know I am so busy that didn't even left any footstep here!
AND science assignment due tomorrow...

I really want to jot down what had happened today! haha!
Today is considered to be my happy day (since been busy doing assignment and this is just reduced my tension)!

All right, Tanya told me yesterday that she will not going for the morning lectures (poor her, need to hunt for house).
I went through the morning's lectures all alone, super sleepy!
Was thinking of not having any lunch der but really don't wanna waste that 1 hour break. Haha.
Called Charlene and asked whether she's having lunch in uni or dorm.
Surprisingly, she said makan in uni.
Ok, we met up!
Really THANK YOU to Charlene, haha!
Want to know the reason?
Yea, if she said she wanted to have lunch in dorm then I won't see him....

Some people know who 'he' is. Haha.
Yea, our (me and Charlene) seats was so strategic! I chose it ok!
I just saw him walked in with his friends.
I finally showed Charlene. I htought she would have seen him before but surprisingly, she didn't.
OMG, he is so CUTE! PInk T-shirt again. He is just too suit with PINK!
OMG, he just sat at the place in front of my vision.
Before going for the next lecture, Charlene said to me 'your eyes didn't blink at all ar! no no, is turning 360 degree!' (know what she meant? haha!)
Yea, I admitted that I couldn't take my eyes off him! Everybody likes to see 'leng zai', so looking at 'leng zai' is legal ho!

Tanya joined me after the lecture finished. She said she was thinking of givinng me surprise by showing herself in the lecture hall before I came out from the lecture hall.
Nah nah, no surprise! By the time she showed herself in the lecture hall, everyone had gone (lecture finished earlier) and I was in the library by the time.
So I was in the library!
Guess what?
'Leng zai' was sitting at the place next to the computers with his friends!
OMG, so lucky!
Tanya sent me a msg asking me where was I? Of course I told her I was in the library.
I was about to leave, 'leng zai' also left his friends. I wondered where was he going?
So ngam, Tanya was coming up and yes, I finally showed her my 'leng zai'! Haha!

We then went to Macquarie centre since we got 2 hours break.
Phone rang.... Was Charlene.
'Hi, 'dim ar' ?' I asked.
'Mandy, I saw the guy you admired!' said Charlene.
'Ya meh? Where?'
'In ERIC! You know the computer room you used for last sem's STAT170? That room! I think he is tutor! I go in and see ar!'
'Really!? I should take STAT170 this sem! Haha!'
'OKla, I go and see la!'
'Ok, bye!'
OMG, our crazy conversations! I told Tanya about it.
So funny, I showed Charlene today then she found he is one of the student tutor.

Tanya and I passed by ERIC (we need to go to tutorial class and will definitely passed by ERIC from macquarie centre to our class).
Just a glance....
I saw him from the doorway. I told Tanya and he passed by again! This time he saw us! OMG!
Really raise my adrenaline level everytime I see him!
I really crazy!

I found today is really a happy day for me after all the stresses from assignments!
He is such a good stress mediator for me! Haha!

Friday, October 31, 2008


It seems like I don't often update my blog after parc. I supposed to have 2 extra weeks for break der wor!
Yes! Indeed, I am now still having so called breaks. I thought I could realax these 2 weeks...
But guess what?
I have 4 assignments due in 2 weeks, after that will be exam....
I dont even have time to breath...
Seriously, I feel like being hung. I so wanted to escape but I couldn't...
Stress! Stress! Stress! So feel like to cry ler...

Poor Tanya already sick for 3 weeks ler but still not recover yet.
Both of us really exert our utmost strength ler! Go to Uni everyday doing research, discussing about the essays (but also do something to relax geh. we both know la! haha!).
After these assignments are all submitted, will be our EXAM la!
Although exam is so SCARY, I really want it to come faster la!
Finish exam then can go home ma!
I really so can't wait to go home ler!
This semester is really damn horrible and busy!

SUMMER HOLIDAYS.....................

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Outing AGAIN!

Me and Tanya went to the city AGAIN! Just to fulfill our 'fish n chips' desire. Wakaka!
Anyway, this is really the last time we go to the city since exam is coming!
So, must really cherish these extra two weeks breaks lo! Hehe...
We did use the weekend in a meaningful way ar (by spending the day eating, shopping)! Haha!This time must really be smart ler! Go Fish Market first!
Let's see what we got this time compared to few weeks ago!

See! This time we got much more delicious seafood to eat ler!

Fast bar? Finished ad!

Really very full ler, can't fit in anymore!

Tanya modelling for Fish Market!

This bird is really 'da sai' lo! Tanya was actually took long time to catch this scene lo! Sombong Bird!

We then went to Paddy Market. I didn't know that there is actually a shopping centre on top of the Paddy Market. Haha! At least we discovered something wor! Not bad la!
Really felt like to eat ice-cream!
We then decided to makan New Zealand Natural ice-cream la!
Took long time to decide which favourite to take also lo! Cause there was promotion ma (if buy regular one which is 2 scoops then 1 more scoops free)! So...haha! But we just got the single 1 la, must save some space for cake and pancake ma!

I took the mango passion 1!

Tanya took Lime something...I can't remember. Paiseh ar!

We so couldn't make decision where to go next...Pancake? or...Cake? Final decision....PAncake on The Rocks! Haha! Just couldn't resist the desire towards the pancakes! Wakakakaka!

This is the original pancake. Short Stack...

Blueberry Heaven...

Complete servings! Pancakes, iced chocolate and iced mocha!

I then asked Tanya to take a photo of me in front of The Rock Market.

So ngam that the gate at the front of the sea was opened so we could get the photo of whole Opera House.

Yea, both me and Tanya were promoting Sydney! 'Visit Sydney'! Haha!

We left our footsteps there...

Bye bye~We'll be back again next year! Haha!

Friday, October 24, 2008

This is a HAPPY DAY!

I'm very happy today!
Happy things just kept happening since morning! Haha!
I think I mentioned that Lam Fung is going to JB this Sunday!
Don't misunderstand, I still cannot go!
BUT my sister is going ma!
Honestly, I very jealous of her that she can finally see Lam Fung (me...still need to wait for another chance la!)!
I very sad that can't get to see him in real life BUT haha...I actually saw him yesterday night in my dream! Wakakaka!
People always say you will dream of something that you keep thinking in the daylight.
Ah ah~ I don't believe in that! I did dreamt of him but i didn't think wor!
I know I sure can't get to see him ler la so stop thinking to make myself feel better la!
But guess what...
I actually go to his function in JB in my dream!
I even take photo with him ler!
And he even talks to me ler! Wakakaka!
So really doesn't matter ler...I am the first ever person to attend his function ler!
Isn't that a very big pleasure?

So cute! Like little boy ler!

Happy things keep happening o!
Since my sis is going to his function, she will of course haa a chance to get his signature on the new album la!
But actually the CD is not on the market yet in JB, so she is going to buy on the same day of the function (they will sell Lam Fung's album at the same day)..
Hehe... I asked her to buy 1 for me too! So I can get his signature also ma!
She said hor....not surprising la! She said we can share wor!
Haha....I told her that she is just too naive!
It's really not a matter of sharing!
Is....I don't wanna share ma! I want to have my own Lam Fung signed album!
I so can't wait for sunday to come!
Even though I can't get the album at the 1st second but I actually asked my sis to take photo 1st and send it to me!
Wakakakaka! I know! I'm crazy!

Last thing...
I just went dinner with my landlady's family!
This is the first time i joined them!
They are really very good lo!
I am like... have another family in Australia la!
So good!

Cute cupcakes

Yea, lovely cupcakes! want some?
Anyway, i'm not the baker! Haha!
My landlady is the baker!
Her daughter's school has multicultural fair tomorrow.
The kindergarteners, which including my landlady's daughter were 'asked' to make cupcakes!
That's why I have lovely cupcakes picture today! Haha!
Look nice and OF COURSE, taste nice!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

So close and yet so far...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What's wrong with me...

Why? I really want to know why…
As long as I see you, I will feel very happy…
Even if we don’t know each other and maybe you have never remember me at all…
I just wanna see you, either sees you coincidently or I go see you intentionally…
I don’t know what’s going on with me?
When I see you, I feel so happy all day long.
When I don’t see you, I feel something’s just wrong with me….

You always just appear in front of me, very sudden…unexpected…
I really so wish to know you, honestly…
I know some people may say I’m crazy or pervert…
But this is how I feel… my true feelings for you…
I really don’t wanna regret by not knowing you…
I had lots of chances but I never grasp them…
I’m so sad when I think that I might not get to see you next year anymore…

Or this is my fate?
It is really torture me…

Saturday, October 18, 2008

OMG!!!!!! Lam Fung is going to JB!

Shuang just told me that Lam Fung is going to Danga City Mall next Saturday!
Ican't go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the so first time that Lam Fung is going to JB!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shuang told me that she is going to be the first person in the line!
She wants to take photo with LamFung...
She wants to shake hand with LAm Fung......
These are what i always wnt to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I' m so sad!
I WANT TO GO HOME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WANT TO SEE LAM FUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please shuang....
Take lots of photos of LAM FUNG for me....
This is the only way that makes me happier....

ARGH~ LAM FUNG..............

Thursday, October 16, 2008

short or long distance?

Less than a step... Our distance...
Short distance from the surface...
Long distance from inner hearts...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

How sweet!

How sweet she is!
I’m talking about Tanya!
We went to library today for our development essay discussion.
She gave me this!

I’m so happy! Haha!
I know people might say…are you serious, this is just a bar of chocolate!
Yeah, I know it is just a bar of chocolate!
BUT I guess this is really a matter of sincerity lo!
Nothing to do with what it is or how much is it.
She knows I love chocolate, she loves it too! Haha!
Anyway, thank you la!
When I being very stress during prac, I will take a rest and EAT YOUR CHOCOLATE der! Haha!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Lam Fung singing Jay Chou's Fearless...

OMG!!!!!!! I just saw this in someone else's blog!
Lam Fung was actually singing Jay Chou's song!
This is really incredible!
He can actually rap in mandarin so well! (He can speaks mandarin very well anyway!)
I think his voice is too man for this song! Haha!
But he actually sang quite good lo!
He singing this song and wearing the chinese sam fu (i think), looks like filming 'The Master of Taichi'! Haha!
So cute!
And he is super hot when he is dancing!
He dance damn good!

The Banquet?

Yesterday was the BANQUET for me and Tanya!
Know why?
We had lots of great food and all the food looked so NICE!
Yesterday was not in very good weather; raining the whole day but we were so enthusiastic in hunting good food in the city!
With our empty stomach in the morning, we went to Pancakes on the Rocks!
I've long heard of the pancakes on the rocks and i got the chance to try finally yesterday!
Wanna know why is Pancakes On The Rocks so damn well known?
I'll show you!

Tanya's Vanilla Swiss Shake and My Lime Swiss Shake! These shakes are very different from other shakes I tried in other places! These are really smooth and... just too PERFECT!

Devil's Delight... This is REALLY DAMN SUPER TASTY! The taste of chocolate flavoured pancakes just kills me! Chocolate Lovers... MUST try this!

The Ultimate Crepes... Crepes filled with cheesy yoghurt and dip with strawberry sauce... This is really made me feel like in the heaven! It is just too TASTY!

Just see my facial expression, you will definitely know how those pancakes and crepes taste like!

Tanya enjoyed the Devil's Delight soooo much! She said the chocolate pancake was really a BOMB for her! Imagine how YUMMY it is that can bombs someone!

Finished! Left with UGLY plates.... Haha!

Okay! With our fulled stomachs, we left to the Opera House! It is just a short distance from The Rocks!

Know what? I've been in Sydney for 1.5 years but this was the first time I went to the Opera House! Don't laugh! This is TRUE! Anyway, I've finally been to the Opera House! Wakakaka!

At the front of the Opera House! Rain stopped for a while, Just nice! Haha! We looked pretty right?

I was trying to pull the door. Anyway, It was locked!

One of the doors, i mean the theatre was opened. Yea, we entered and this photo was taken inside the Opera House!

Okay! Next stop was the Lindt Chocolate Cafe! We met Shir Li in the city and she brought us to this cafe for our afternoon tea!

It's blur but this is the shop la!

While waiting for our drinks to be served, we took these lovely photos! (I really like Tanya's dress!)

Tanya's milky hot chocolate...

My dark hot chocolate...

Anyone noticed that there were not drinks in the cup? Haha! We were actually provided with an empty cup, a small jug filled with hot milk and another one filled with chocolate! We need to make the drinks ourselves! Special ba? Haha! This is the best hot chocolate I ever have!

Last destination was the Fish Market! We were actually wanted to go in the morning der...

We went aroung 4.15pm... AND we had not many food left.... So sad! These were what we had and really very little....

Cheezy Lobster... this is 15 bucks! But tasty!

Scallops and Calamari! 12 bucks! I LOVE scallops and calamari alots!

Tanya and I were so regret that we didn't get to eat the FISH N CHIPS! Never mind! We already made an appointment with each other that we will go to Fish Market again after Exam and before we go back to M'sia! Hehe...

Yesterday was really HAppy Day! Yes, both of us deserved this before we go for 2 weeks prac in the coming 2 weeks!

So Super Thank You, Tanya for bringing me to the Pancakes On The Rocks and had fun with me! Haha! And Thanks to Shir Li for bringing us to the nice Lindt Chocolate Cafe! Lotz of Muax for you gals!

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